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Re: View hierarchy problem

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Re: View hierarchy problem
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 00:00:39 +0200

Hi Fred,

Andreas Höschler wrote:
Hello all,

I have an application with a shelf view that has a bunch of subviews
(icons representing applications). In windowDidBecomeKey: I reload the
shelf, meaning that I do removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay for
all these subviews and then rebuild the shelf (recreate all the
subviews). Doubleclicking on one of these subviews launches or activates
the represented application.

From time to time I get a core dump when doubleclicking from one app to
the next on the shelf. By backtracing I found out that

    [NSWindow makeFirstResponder:];

is called with a previoulsy removed (and released) view (one of the
views that have been recreated earlier in windowDidBecomeKey:). Here is
a pseudo backtrace of this

    [NSWindow makeFistResponder:]  <--------
    [NSWindow sendEvent:];
    [NSApplication sendEvent:]
    [NSApplication run]

I realized some code in [NSView removeSubview:] that is obviously meant to remove the to be removed view from teh view hierachy, but it seems it
is still retained by some event circling around in the event loop and
then causes the malfunction.

Any idea how this error can be prevented or further tracked down?

No, really no idea how this could happen. The view used in sendEvent for
makeFristResponder comes from a hit test on the window view (_wv). This
means your removed and released view must still be in the window hierarchy.
Ah, now I see the issue: this view gets cached in sendEvent: before
makeKeyAndOrderFront: gets called. We just need to move the detection of
this view a few lines down. Could you please test this, before I make
this change?

I have tried the following:

             v = nil;// [_wv hitTest:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
              if (_f.is_key == NO && _windowLevel != NSDesktopWindowLevel)
                  /* NSPanel modification: check becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded. */
                  if (![self becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded]
                      || [v needsPanelToBecomeKey])
                    [self makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
              v = [_wv hitTest:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
              /* Activate the app *after* making the receiver key, as app
                 activation tries to make the previous key window key. */
              if ([NSApp isActive] == NO && self != [NSApp iconWindow])
                  [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
              if (_firstResponder != v)
                 [self makeFirstResponder: v];

This solves the issue. The app no longer dies. However, what do we do with [v needsPanelToBecomeKey]?



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