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Re: Central GNUstep software index?

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Re: Central GNUstep software index?
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:47:29 -0700 (PDT)

> - For some reason Gorm isn't an application.

???  Huh?
Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

----- Original Message ----
From: David Chisnall <theraven@sucs.org>
To: "hns@computer.org" <hns@computer.org>
Cc: discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:14:10 AM
Subject: Re: Central GNUstep software index?

On 22 Apr 2008, at 12:32, hns@computer.org wrote:

> On 21 Apr., 13:39, "Chris B. Vetter" <chris.vet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:02 PM, h...@computer.org  
>> <h...@computer.org> wrote:
>> [...]>    http://www.letux.de/swi/
>> [...]
>> Nicely done.
>> --
>> Chris
> Thanks!
> PLEASE try to add/update things! I haven't seen any change requests so
> far and this experience is important for your evaluation.

A couple of comments about this:

- The overall idea is really nice.

- Cosmetically, it's quite ugly - the text is so small it's barely  
readable and the grey background doesn't help with reading black text.

- License information is really important for a Free Software project,  
especially for frameworks, but to a lesser degree for applications.

- I am not sure price is an important field.  If the license is  
'proprietary' then they can go to the home page to find out what the  
price is.

- Fields for svn / cvs access would be very useful.  A lot of things  
in the Étoilé repository haven't released snapshots yet, but people  
can get them from svn easily.

- A field for the umbrella project would be useful.  If a project is  
part of GAP, Backbone, or Étoilé then it would be nice to have this  

- For some reason Gorm isn't an application.


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