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Re: IMPORTANT: Materials for SCALE... need the old FOSDEM handouts and

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: IMPORTANT: Materials for SCALE... need the old FOSDEM handouts and brocures..
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 22:43:19 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 1 Feb., 20:35, Gregory John Casamento <greg_casame...@yahoo.com>
> I would like the text to emphasize the fact that we're going more for Cocoa 
> now than for OpenStep.   Although we will always be OpenStep compatible, for 
> *marketing* purposes, we want to emphasize our strengths in the Cocoa arena.  

Yes, something like:

GNUstep is the Free&Open Source implementation of the Standard
Framework APIs (+ tools) for Objective-C (which are todays a de facto
standard defined by Apple Cocoa; before it was OpenSTEP).

I.e. FSF gcc (Language) + FSF GNUstep (Toolkit) => Objective-C
same as gcj + Classpath for JAVA


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