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Re: Linking against an uninstalled framework

From: Wolfgang Lux
Subject: Re: Linking against an uninstalled framework
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 09:08:13 +0200

Nicola Pero wrote:

On 15 Jul 2009, at 12:55, Wolfgang Lux wrote:


what are the correct linker flags in a GNUmakefile for linking an application against an uninstalled framework? So far, the best I could find are the following definitions from SystemPreferences.app:

 ifeq ($(findstring mingw32, $(GNUSTEP_TARGET_OS)), mingw32)
ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS += -L../../PreferencePanes/$ (FRAMEWORK_NAME).framework/Versions/Current/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR)

Hi Wolfgang,


should always work in gnustep-make v2, without any conditionals, no matter if versions are enabled or not. That is supported since gnustep-make 1.98.1 (March 2007). :-)

Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me on Mac OS X with the gnu-gnu- gnu combo (hence my question :-). Having a closer look at the issue it seems that the approach introduced with gnustep-make v2 is to create a softlink from the library file of the framework's current version into the root directory of the framework. On OS X, this link lacks the .dylib extension, which is correct when linking the framework with the peculiar -framework option of the OS X linker. However, this fails in the obvious when using the standard -L and
-l linker options, as most GNUstep software does.


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