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GNUstep app won't start

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: GNUstep app won't start
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 01:27:06 +0100

Hi all,

I have gcc 3.4.4 and my GNustep tree on my development machine. For deployment to production machines I usually just sync /opt/GNUstep to the target machine. Since I usually have the same gcc and libs on all machines this always worked great.

I now had to setup a Solaris machine that had a newer version of gcc installed. I over installed gcc 3.4.4 and eben rebuild gui and back on the target machine. I then synced the /opt/GNUstep folder as usual. I can start tools but when I start any GNUstep app I get

Error (objc-load):ld.so.1: Affiche: fatal: libXcomposite.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory

I did a

        find / -name "libXcomposite*"

on both machines and found nothing, neitehr on the dev machien nor on the target machine. I never installed a lib libXcomposite manually so it must be part of any package but which?

Any idea what could be the problem (incompatibility) here? What do I have to (re)install on the target machine to solve this?

Thanks a lot,


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