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Re: GNUStep parsing OSX binary plist changed?

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: GNUStep parsing OSX binary plist changed?
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:01:54 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 29 Jan., 19:34, David Chisnall <thera...@sucs.org> wrote:
> Do we even support the OS X binary plist format?  It's undocumented, and you 
> can use plutil on OS X to create a property list in a documented format from 
> one.

Yes. I think since at least 3 yerars.

The format is AFAIK documented in CFLite which is open source.

And, reading the file instead of forcing the user to copy it to a Mac,
apply plutil and copy back, is a little user friendlier...

Finally, NIBs are keyed archives. Keyed archives are plists. So a
valid NIB may be a binary plist.


> David
> On 28 Jan 2010, at 15:26, Fred Kiefer wrote:
> > Your code is not printing the actual format of the plist, rather it
> > prints the class of the extracted object. And if this is a string in
> > GNUstep then the call to objectForKey: is bound to fail.
> > Most likely the plist format used by Safari has changed or your aren't
> > looking at the same file in both cases.
> > This could be easily investigated if you mail the plist in question (or
> > even better a very simple one that reproduces the problem). I tried to
> > find the History.plist on my Mac, but failed. The only thing I found was
> > a History directory for Safari with plenty of files in it. All of them
> > looked like normal plists to me.
> > Fred
> > Am 28.01.2010 02:30, schrieb L Zee:
> >> I recently discovered that a one of my GNUStep programs that parses
> >> Safari History.plist files can't parse the files in new versions of
> >> safari.
> >> As a test ,when I compile and run the following code on OSX using a
> >> plist file, it tells me the "plist class" of the plist is "Detected
> >> format as NSCFDictionary".
> >> When I run the same code compiled on GNUStep that's bundled with
> >> ubuntu 9.04, using the same plist file, it tells me the "plist class"
> >> is "Detected format as GSCBufferString" and the program aborts.
> >> Any ideas on how I can continue to parse these files using GNUstep?
> >> Thanks
> >> ----------------------------------
> >> #include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
> >> // MAIN int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
> >> // Defs. NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]
> >> init]; NSData *plistData; NSString *error; NSPropertyListFormat
> >> format; id plist; id dict_val;
> >> plistData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: [NSString
> >> stringWithCString: argv[1]]];
> >> plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:plistData
> >> mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListMutableContainers format:&format
> >> errorDescription:&error];
> >> NSLog(@"%@",plist); NSLog(@"Detected format as %@", [plist
> >> class],plist) ;
> >> dict_val = [plist objectForKey: @"WebHistoryDates"];
> >> NSLog(@"%@",dict_val);
> >> [pool release]; return 0; }
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