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Re: Hungarian o and u double accute doesn't display correctly

From: Stef Bidi
Subject: Re: Hungarian o and u double accute doesn't display correctly
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 11:39:44 -0500

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com> wrote:
However, when I run my application from xterm window, then I can see
2010-09-09 20:17:42.091 LPT_Interface[7583] The font specified for
NSLabelFont, Helvetica, can't be found.

Helvetica is the default art backend font.  It's usually installed with the art backend as a nfont.  If I remember correctly, nfonts aren't used in the cairo backend.  My guess, is that if no font is specified, GNUstep will default to Helvetica, a font not installed with the cairo backend.  If I'm not mistaken cairo uses fontconfig, so all your system fonts are available.
But, on Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze system, the command 'aptitude search
helvetica' gives no results.

I was run the comand 'defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSFont DejaVuSans'
but I can see that that this command does not affect the NSLabelFont

Moreover, I was run these commands once again:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSFont DejaVuSans
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSLabelFont DejaVuSans

but still get warnings, like:
2010-09-09 20:24:35.769 LPT_Interface[7681] The font specified for
NSMenuFont, Helvetica, can't be found.

2010-09-09 20:24:35.771 LPT_Interface[7681] The font specified for
NSBoldFont, Helvetica-Bold, can't be found.

2010-09-09 20:24:35.774 LPT_Interface[7681] The font specified for
NSFont, DejaVuSans, can't be found.

2010-09-09 20:24:35.803 LPT_Interface[7681] The font specified for
NSLabelFont, DejaVuSans, can't be found.
A much, much easier way of specifying fonts is using the SystemPreferences application.  I'd suggest grabbing it.  There's a module for fonts and it's really easy to use.

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