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Re: LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action

From: Csanyi Pal
Subject: Re: LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 16:35:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Germán Arias <german@xelalug.org> writes:

> On dom, 2010-09-12 at 01:23 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:
>> My second question is: why doesn't show up the application icon with
>> the specified LPT_Interface_48.tiff image but with the GNUstep.tiff
>> image? I'm using Window Maker as window manager.
> You need a file like LPT_interface.plist where you set the icon of
> your app. See for example the plist file to Ink or any other app.

Thanks! I did search on Google and find a solution.
I solve the Icon problem by editing GNUmakefile:

APP_NAME = LPT_Interface
LPT_Interface_APPLICATION_ICON = LPT_Interface_48.tiff
LPT_Interface_OBJC_FILES = main.m
        LPT_Interface_48.tiff \
        LPT_InterfaceAblaka.gsmarkup \

I added the line:
LPT_Interface_APPLICATION_ICON = LPT_Interface_48.tiff

and to the line LPT_Interface_RESOURCE_FILES:

After that when I run 'make' in my app directory, I get automatically in
LPT_Interface.app/Resources/ directory the file: Info-gnustep.plist
  NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";
  NSExecutable = "LPT_Interface";
  NSMainNibFile = "";
  GSMainMarkupFile = "";
  NSIcon = "LPT_Interface_48.tiff";
  NSPrincipalClass = "NSApplication";

Regards, Paul Chany

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