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Re: LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 23:11:00 -0600

On vie, 2010-09-17 at 18:50 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:
> I created English.lproj too for LPT_Interface.app and ask you to try it
> out after downloading and compiling it again from here: 
> ftp://csanyi-pal.info/objective-c/LPT_Interface.tar.bz2 

Well, now the app can run on my system. 

> [code]
>   NSString *title = [sender title];
>    if ([title isEqualToString: @"1"])
>      {
>        [StatLine setStringValue: @"write logical 1 to the data port"];
>      }
>    else if ([title isEqualToString: @"0"])
>      {
>        [StatLine setStringValue: @"write logical 0 to the data port"];
>      }
> [/code]
> I did try the code:
>    else if (![title isEqualToString: @"1"])
> but this doesn't works.
> Any advices?

I think you can solve this using tags. Something like:

<botton title="something" tag=1 />

And then you can use these on your code. For example:

        if ([sender tag] == 1)
          [sender setTag: anotherNumber....     

As the tags don't have relationship with the button's titles. You can
use the necesary tags to the control.

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