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Re: Building fun again

From: Citizen Jimserac
Subject: Re: Building fun again
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:11:12 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Jan 6, 10:40 am, Ivan Vučica <ivuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ha !

Having an old Ubuntu I0.10 install CD lying around from a magazine I
bought a while ago, and having NO success for two days trying to get
gnustep installed on Fedora (the ffi bugaboo) or Windows (the crap
operating system bugaboo but I did get gomoku working...it was the
ONLY thing I compiled that would run and work properly),
I decide to try out your sh described...

Perhaps this can help?
I doubt it'll reveal anything you don't already know, but this works
for me
on cleanly installed Ubuntu 10.04. It's based on Etoile's INSTALL
It's fairly lengthy, since clang is compiled as well.

Not just helped, it installed perfectly without a hitch within 20
minutes on a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 Mavrick Meerkat.

MANY thanks!   So.... clang instead of gcc??   Well this IS a
surprise, for years I've relied on gcc whenever compiling something on
linux (or ming gcc on windows).

Yes, I see when compiling that "make" does nothing when a GNUMakefile
is present...
for example,
GNUmakefile:25: /common.make: No such file or directory
GNUmakefile:35: /aggregate.make: No such file or directory when trying
to compile gnustep-gui examples.

Could you describe in more detail your post install things such as...

"Post-compile, I also added
~/llvm/Release+Asserts/bin into PATH, and I sourced GNUstep.sh to make
compiling easier. "

Again thanks!

Citizen Jimserac

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