Hi Luboš,
Just on a side note, did you see a similar project called "Magenta"?
Author is targeting iOS compatibility instead of OS X, but she
primarily seems to be working on lower-level portions.
I haven't tried it out yet, but you two seem to be working on similar
things, so it might be interesting for you to get in touch.
On 5. 8. 2012., at 15:32, Luboš Doležel <lubos@dolezel.info> wrote:
as part of my diploma thesis I'm working on a userspace Darwin
compatibility layer for Linux. The primary task is to get unmodified
console applications running on top of a Wine-like layer. Currently,
I'm working on a compatible libSystem.dylib reimplementation - i.e.
resolving ABI issues and implementing missing Mach and BSD kernel
calls, albeit in many cases it's just a dummy function.
As a long-term aim, I would also like to get other applications
running - personally especially 3D games, but ordinary GUI apps as
well. One of the important pieces is Cocoa and GNUstep seems to be a
good choice for dealing with AppKit implementation on Linux.
Towards this end, I'd like to ask what you see as the biggest
hurdles in ABI (not just API) compatibility when replacing Apple's
AppKit with GNUstep?
I'd like to note that I realize what I'm trying to achieve is a
*tremendous* task, but well, I believe it can be done!
Luboš Doležel
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