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Re: Request for update and/or release of GDL2 and Renaissance

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: Request for update and/or release of GDL2 and Renaissance
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 19:47:06 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.1.1b

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 17:08 CET, Markus Hitter <mah@jump-ing.de> wrote: 
> Am 30.01.2014 15:08, schrieb Sebastian Reitenbach:
> > OpenBSD packages are using something very similar to the FHS layout
> > and it works great.
> To all I can see, what GNUstep calls a "FHS layout" is just stuffing
> frameworks into /usr/lib instead of /Library and similar. Bundle-type
> layout is kept, just placed slightly elsewhere.

Name it as you like, I call it like a "compromise", which works well 
for me and OpenBSD packages. And besides the bundles and
Frameworks, its nearly FHS. I don't know if you have found the
fs layout file already, but its part of the make port, the file can
be found here [1]. Since FHS doesn't has a meaning
on OpenBSD at all, I also have no real reason even trying to adhe to it ;)
For me, man 7 hier [2] is more important.
Maybe its worth for you to take a look at the altlinux GNUstep RPMs that
you can find here [3]. I cannot really figure out what filesystem layout they
are using there, therefore CC'ing the maintainer, or at least one of them.


For the case the FHS layout is too much of a pain, does 
Debian/Ubuntu allows similar compromises like I did for OpenBSD?


> Markus
> -- 
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter
> http://www.reprap-diy.com/
> http://www.jump-ing.de/
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