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[ANN] HiglighterKit 0.1.3 and Gemas 0.4

From: Germán Arias
Subject: [ANN] HiglighterKit 0.1.3 and Gemas 0.4
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 18:11:15 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.1)


HighlighterKit is a framework to allow easy incorporation of
syntax highlighting features into your application.

Changes in version "0.1.3"

* Bug fixes for plist files. In previous version the highlighter is
   slow for large plist files.

Where can you get it?




Gemas is a simple code editor for GNUstepers.

Changes in version 0.4

* Autocomplete.
* Basic indentation with TAB.
* Plugin for ProjectCenter (The plugin is installed in "ProjectCenter.app/Resources", I use GNUSTEP_LOCAL_APPS assuming PC is installed here. But if no, changes
   the GNUmakefile in Gemas bundle.)
* New menu options: "Delete to beginning of line",
  "Delete to end of line", "Jump to next parameter."
  and "Insert TAB" (Gemas use spaces instead TABs,
  except in GNUmakefiles).

Where can you get it?

For more info and source tarball see:


There are also a couple of themes for the syntax highlighter here:


Please send me a report if you found a bug.

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