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Re: CoreBase from SVN fails to configure due to wrong libdispatch

From: Stefan Bidigaray
Subject: Re: CoreBase from SVN fails to configure due to wrong libdispatch
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:02:05 -0600

Hmm, that's strange!  I've built with libdispatch on my Debian system before without any problems.  I'm a bit unfamiliar with the code here as Lubos implemented the CFStream functions.  Hopefully he will chime in with more information.  Are you using clang to compile the code?  This is generally down by passing the following command "$ CC=clang ./configure && CC=clang make".  If I remember correctly, gcd needs clang.

By the way, I apologize for the lack of documentation.  I actually have a branch on my computer with a lot of documentation, just haven't committed it, yet.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Jens Alfke <jens@couchbase.com> wrote:
I'm trying to upgrade from the 0.1 release of CoreBase to the current SVN trunk. Unfortunately the ./configure script fails with an error:

        checking for dispatch_get_main_queue_eventfd_np in -ldispatch… no
        configure: error: Compatible libdispatch not found for GCD support!

I installed libdispatch and libdispatch-dev a few days ago via apt-get (on my up-to-date Ubuntu system) … according to 'apt show' the version of libdispatch-dev is "0~svn197-3.1ubunbu1".

The INSTALL file for CoreBase doesn't say anything about libdispatch, not even that it's required. :(

What do I need to install to resolve this? I'm currently blocked because I need CFStream, which is not in the 0.1 version.

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