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Re: Added MISSING file to libs-gui

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: Added MISSING file to libs-gui
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2019 08:03:16 -0500


I am sorry I am replying so late, but I really wanted to get this addressed...

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On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 3:33 AM Johannes Brakensiek <johannes@brakensiek.info> wrote:
Hey Greg,

On 15 Nov 2019, at 4:39, Gregory Casamento wrote:

> I have done a little work to figure out which headers/classes are
> missing
> in libs-gui as compared to macOS10.15. Just a heads up. If anyone
> would
> like to take some of these on please DO. :)  There are a large number
> of
> classes currently missing.  I admit I didn't know there was such a gap
> until I did the analysis.
> The files are listed in the MISSING file under libs-gui.

thank you for your work and your approach to even get this work done! :)
You're welcome.  It's a lot of fun to do this.
And yes, currently you have almost no chance to port a current interface
to GNUstep.

Not true.  There are a few current apps which are on GNUstep by companies which reach thousands of users.
I installed three virtual macOS machines to be able to use
Xcode/IB to backport a current xib to a GNUstep compatible nib/Xcode
4-xib (which works quite well), but you have to delete many items of the
interface to be able to use it with Gorm/GNUstep.

That's part of the reason I am doing this.   There is too much missing in GNUstep to load some xibs. 
That said if would be great of course to even have the xib support of
Gorm updated for making porting and cross platform development easier.

This is planned for the future.  I am planning on re-writing or expanding Gorm to handle xibs more easily.

Maybe some sort of dev survey would be nice? Just to get an idea wich
classes are considered most needed so you know there is good cause to
start with specific ones?

No.  I refuse to do development by committee.  It is the perfect way to get stuck.  I'll take them on one by one. ;)

That said highest priority for me would be to have tested API
compatibility concerning the existing classes (same for base). Writing a
new app or porting from GNUstep to Cocoa is much easier if we’d have a
solid base there, I think.

Expanding existing tests to ensure compatibility is also one of my goals.

As a first project I just updated DictionaryReader.app to make it work
on Cocoa. It does, but the implementation/use of NSUInteger is probably
be different for Cocoa and GNUstep as my changes on this class do not
work using GNUstep:

I'll take a look at it.
I’m currently missing the knowledge to figure out what/where the cause
for the issue exactly lays, though.

I'll provide some feedback and or see if I can't fix what's blocking you.
Keep up your great work

You're very welcome.


Sorry for being so busy... I would have gotten back to you sooner.

Yours, GC
Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com

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