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Re: New to the group

From: Christian Selig
Subject: Re: New to the group
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 13:54:59 +0200
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Alceste Scalas wrote:

Here in Italy, that project  is still reality: Microsoft has started
donating licenses and copies of  its software to schools, and giving
technical training to 5000  teachers (that will spread the Microsoft
Verb and training among their colleagues).

60.000 teachers trained in Germany, with 120.000 more to come.

This is *frightening*. This is extremely frightening. Orwell was not an optimist, he was an idealist.

Microsoft is taking total control of the educational sector.

We have to fight hard and make it stop, as soon as possible.

Even if that  page is in written italian, you  can see the Microsoft
and italian ministry logos.

In Germany, it's supported by a state academy. At least the project has not yet received support by federal ministries or ministers. But I fear that after the next election the situation might become even better for Microsoft.

The situation is worrying,  expecially for its possible consequences
on  a   bill  that  supports   Free  Software  on   italian  pubblic
administration,  research, and education  (recently proposed  to the
italian parliament):

The proposal is from Verdi-l'Ulivo, and I don't think that Berlusconi's followers would help anything which stands for freedom and plurality, instead I much more believe that he does everything to help other multinational companies without regard to morality or social appropriateness.


I am chaos.  I am the substance from which your artists and scientists
build rhythms.  I am the spirit with which your children and clowns
laugh in happy anarchy.  I am chaos. I am alive, and tell you that you
are free. - Eris, Goddess Of Chaos, Discord & Confusion

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