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Re: face-remapping patch

From: David Reitter
Subject: Re: face-remapping patch
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 15:33:48 +0100

On 28 May 2008, at 14:21, Miles Bader wrote:

David Reitter <address@hidden> writes:
Okay, not to criticize your remapping, but just for the sake of
argument, here's a possible alternative:

How would user customization work?

I was looking at this from a programmer's point of view (who would provide a package). From a user's perspective, the local faces could be defined just like local variables are set within files. Ideally there would be a function to add all local faces (as a comment) to the end of a buffer.
There should be a function called `customize-local-face'.

Well the implementation could certainly be improved, but adding support
for non-global faces certainly won't simplify things!

Certainly not for Emacs, but for anyone using the API that you're creating, buffer-local faces would be simple to understand and more transparent than another extra variable that remaps some faces.
What would the user customization look like in that case?
E.g. when a user does M-x customize-face default, would they be customizing the remapped (local) face or the global one?

- D

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