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Re: Feature freeze on October 1

From: David Engster
Subject: Re: Feature freeze on October 1
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 21:17:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier writes:
>> However, we also wanted to pull in the CEDET grammar generation
>> packages, Bovine and Wisent, which are not yet part of Emacs. This will
>> require more work, since we have to update those to properly conform
>> with Emacs's coding standards. I cannot do this until October; maybe
>> Someone Else can take a look, otherwise I definitely need an extension.
>> Also, I don't know if copyright issues are fully worked out for them.
> Sounds like maybe this won't make it for 24.3.
> Note that it can still be done during the freeze and installed in the
> "to be 24.4" branch.

Actually, I forgot that we already ship those packages in the
admin/grammars directory since Emacs v23.2a, so at least the copyright
stuff is in order. So there's only the question whether those two
packages are good enough for regular inclusion, or if they need
extensive changes.


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