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CEDET merge (was: Feature freeze on October 1)

From: David Engster
Subject: CEDET merge (was: Feature freeze on October 1)
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 22:24:09 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier writes:
>> the other way round. I think I should be able to have our 'to-emacs'
>> branch ready till October 1st, which could then be merged in.
> This merge is important, yes.  Please let us know if you can't make it
> for October 1st.

I have successfully merged CEDET trunk into the current codebase from
Emacs bzr. The result can be seen in the 'to-emacs' branch from CEDET

 bzr checkout bzr://cedet.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/cedet/code/to-emacs

To update the Emacs repository, first get a patch by doing

 cd to-emacs
 bzr diff -r tag:EMACS_110047.. admin etc lisp > ~/cedet-patch

and then simply

 cd emacs/trunk
 patch -p0 < ~/cedet-patch

It should apply and compile cleanly (only the Python parser is throwing
some warnings).

Please do not commit this patch yet, since it definitely needs some
further testing. My plan is to check the code with our test suite, which
will need a few tweaks first to work with stock Emacs, though.

A few further comments:

- I've restricted myself to the files currently in Emacs trunk, meaning
  no new files are pulled in. This means, the patch will not introduce
  new CEDET features like support for Android, Arduino, Fortran 90, the
  M3 menu, clang completions, etc.

- As you can see in the above 'bzr diff' command, I've not yet taken
  care of the texinfo files.

- Then there's the ChangeLog issue... We have a package in CEDET which
  generates ChangeLogs from our bzr commit logs. I'm not sure if such a
  fine-grained ChangeLog is necessary for an update like this. Also, I
  would have to exclude all logs regarding files not in Emacs trunk.

- I cannot check for FSF papers, but I've been careful to always ask,
  and I'm sure the same applies to Eric and others who can commit to
  CEDET. Still, please double-check. A 'bzr log -n0 -r 8208' will give
  you a list of the commits from the merge.

I'd like to thank LluĂ­s in helping us to get this thing going. I hope
this branch is pretty much what he envisioned in the beginning. :-)
Also, many thanks go to Aaron Bentley for helping me when I hit a bzr
bug during the final merge.


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