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Re: Help getting started debugging Emacs on macOS Sierra

From: Itai Berli
Subject: Re: Help getting started debugging Emacs on macOS Sierra
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 15:40:42 +0300

Thanks. What does the '-i=mi' mean? I don't see the '-i' option on the gdb man page.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Tino Calancha <address@hidden> wrote:

On Fri, 11 Aug 2017, Itai Berli wrote:

Thanks, Tino.
I've finally managed to get gdb to work by executing the following two instructions at the gdb command prompt:
(gdb) cd ~/emacs
(gdb) file src/bootstrap-emacs

However, your suggestion to execute the following from the terminal, didn't work:

> emacs ~/emacs/src
Oh, i think you mention you run Emacs with:
open nextstep/Emacs.app

i don't have mac but i guess the following might work (*):
open -a nextstep/Emacs.app ~/emacs/src

(*) https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsForMacOS#toc17

In case it works, then call from Emacs the gdb front-end:
M-x gdb RET
;; You must see something like:
gdb -i=mi bootstrap-emacs
;; Just enter and gdb would have loaded the Emacs executable

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