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Re: New rx implementation with extension constructs

From: immerrr again
Subject: Re: New rx implementation with extension constructs
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 15:34:09 +0300

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 2:18 PM Mattias Engdegård <address@hidden> wrote:
> Yes, that is the intention. If you find an incompatibility, please report it. 
> The compatibility includes the old `rx-constituents'  variable for 
> extensions, which is used by python-mode.
> The new implementation is slightly more general where this made sense. For 
> instance, several forms that require at least one argument in current rx can 
> be used with zero args in the new code. (This includes the `rx' macro itself.)
> Other than that, and the new extension mechanism, I've resisted the 
> temptation to add features, but I have a list of things that would be useful 
> to put in later on.

A bit of a shameless plug: a while ago I wrote a module that did a
similar thing, https://github.com/immerrr/ample-regexps.el.

Admittedly, I didn't have the time or the energy to get it to
completion, or even make it discoverable enough in its current state.
But maybe it can be useful for some inspiration at least.

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