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Re: Severe regressions in context of keyboard macros

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Severe regressions in context of keyboard macros
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 12:46:00 +0300

> From: Christoph Arenz <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden
> Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 11:18:51 +0200
> I spent some more time on this. The problem is bigger than stated in the
> original bug report:
> Any function key that follows a digit and is not separated by a <spc> or
> <return> is recorded twice in calc when defining a keyboard macro, e.g.
> `1 <return> <f3> 2 + <f4>' records "2++".

Is this while using Calc, or is this in some other situation?

> I am getting more confident that the patch below fixes this bug.Itfixes
> a severe issue with macros in calc, does not make things worse and does
> not interfere in case no macro is being defined.
> Your thoughts?

If it works well for you in Calc, I will install it.


P.S.  I'll look into the other bug, regarding input methods, when I
have time.  Thanks for filing it.

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