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Using funcall on inline functions

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Using funcall on inline functions
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 14:49:28 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I might be doing something wrong here, but I'm having trouble using
funcall+inline+general variable. I thought that one of the advantages of
an inline was that they were effectively defined as both macros and

It's a slightly convoluted situation, bear with me, here's the simplest
I can get it:

(cl-defstruct ebdb-record-cache
  (alt-names nil :type list))

(defclass ebdb-record ()
  ((cache :type ebdb-record-cache))) 

(define-inline ebdb-record-alt-names (record)
  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-alt-names
                 (slot-value,record 'cache))))

(define-inline ebdb-add-to-list (list-var element)
  (inline-quote (when, element
                  (cl-pushnew, element, list-var :test #'equal))))

(let ((listfunc #'ebdb-add-to-list)
      (name-string "Bob's new name"))
  (funcall listfunc
           (ebdb-record-alt-names <some-record>)

Maybe this a bit overboard in terms of indirection, but it ought to
work, yes? What happens is that the funcall form returns the correct
list (the contents of the record's cache's alt-names slot, with the
name-string added) but the cache's actual slot value is not altered.

It wouldn't kill me to duplicate some code and use `ebdb-add-to-list' in
the function position, but I'd like to know why this doesn't work.


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