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Re: package-quickstart: How To Debug?

From: Arthur Miller
Subject: Re: package-quickstart: How To Debug?
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 17:53:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"T.V Raman" <raman@google.com> writes:

> arthur miller <arthur.miller@live.com> writes:
> From the packages buffer:
> marshal          h 20180124.1239 available  melpa   10  eieio extension
> for automatic (un)marshalling
>> What is package marshal and gb? I did a quick web search, for package
> gb was a typo  meant gh.

Hi, Raman!

I have installed all three packages, marshal, gh and gist, generated
quickstart file and byte compiled it and Emacs starts for me just as same.

When compiling marshal I have got some obsoloete/deprecated warning, but
Emacs starts just fine.

Interesting with gh; it uses old 'cl and uses lots of cl-* functions, so
when I start Emacs with gh in a version of Emacs I compiled from a
master I downloaded today, it just starts no questions asked. But in my
"normal" Emacs version, which is a native compiler branch about a week
or two old, I get some deprecated warnigns even with start. But aside
from that Emacs starts fine.

I see no crashes with byte compiled file at all. I don't know for Emacs
27 though; I don't have it installed.

Hope it helps.

Best regards

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