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Re: Emacs as a word processor

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Emacs as a word processor
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 22:32:38 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Gregory Heytings via "Emacs development discussions. <emacs-devel@gnu.org> 
[2020-12-22 21:22]:
> An attempt to list features a user could expect from a word processor :
> [ ] import / export Microsoft Word files

I would not include any inter-operability with proprietary formats. I
do not find Microsoft Word as prime example of a word processor, there
are so many others before Microsoft Word and after. I am sure you know
it, but for clarification: word processor does not mean and is not
equal to Microsoft Word. The word "word" does not related to Microsoft

Also see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_processor as the term
need not mean something today what it meant before.

As it says on Wikipedia:

"A word processor (WP) is a device or computer program that provides
for input, editing, formatting and output of text, often with some
additional features."

If somebody asks me, in GNU project we have already GNU TeXmacs which
is not Emacs, but is a word processor with pretty good WYSIWYG
interface: https://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/home/welcome.en.html in terms
that user may get pretty visual representation of the formatting on
the screen. It is extensible by using scheme.

In my opinion Emacs could be word processor in a simple manner,
without WYSIWIG if the text properties such as formatting, could be
interpreted for good output such as PDF. This is quite possible in my
opinion. It need not have variety of True Type fonts on the screen. I
am sure pictures can be inserted. It all could be then saved and
become exportable to various other formats.

Org mode already does that. It allows for basic text formatting and
export. In that sense Emacs is already word processor.

> [ ] import / export Open Document Format (.odt) files

I would say yes.

> [ ] import / export RTF files

Definitely no need as it is proprietary format that is today rarely
used anyway.

> [ ] export to a PDF file


> [ ] select a font and its size

Even if font is selected without WYSIWYG, that it may be previewed in
a separate Emacs window or frame or in external PDF viewer, if there
is True Type and other font selection and formatting, I guess it would
make Emacs a word processor. Even if the text would not be visually
shown as output on the paper.

> [ ] apply a bold / italic / underline / strikethrough effect
> [ ] superscripts / subscripts
> [ ] apply a left / center / right / justified effect
> [ ] change the font color and the background color
> [ ] create a list
> [ ] insert and change a table
> [ ] insert a picture
> [ ] define / use / modify styles
> [ ] print preview / print
> [ ] use footnotes
> [ ] multiple columns
> [ ] change page headers and footers

Yes, yes and yes. And all that is already supported and provided in
the beautiful GNU project named TeXmacs:


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