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Re: Tree-sitter api

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: Tree-sitter api
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 19:06:28 -0700

> On Sep 7, 2021, at 8:06 PM, Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Emacs should "load" the module when it's asked to do so, by a function, e.g.
>>> `tree-sitter-load-lang`. When loading fails, it should signal an error.
>> So this has to be an explicit load initiated by a Lisp program?  How
>> would that program know which module to load for a given language?  (I
>> thought TS would load the module it needs whenever support for a
>> language is requested.)
> TS doesn’t load the module, it expects the user to pass it a pointer to the 
> language definition. How does the user get the language definition is not its 
> business. The user is supposed to combine TS and a language definition to 
> create a workable parser. See:
> bool ts_parser_set_language(TSParser *self, const TSLanguage *language);
> TS only wants a pointer to a TSLanguage.
> All the language modules have regular names, i.e., tree-sitter-<lang>.so, so 
> I think we can just calculate the name from the language name; or we can add 
> a backup: use an alist to map language names to module names to cover 
> possible irregular names.

If you think it’s fine, Eli, I’ll start working on this.


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