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Re: ELPA: New package: nano-theme

From: Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)
Subject: Re: ELPA: New package: nano-theme
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 07:13:26 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 27.2

Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:

"Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)" <nicolas.rougier@inria.fr> writes:

Maybe I need to read the documentation on what a theme can
set. For example, I set the face for the minibuffer (0 & 1) and
echo area (0 & 1) and I wasn't sure how to specify this in a
theme. Same for underline to be set at descent line, etc.

You just put the theme in two different files, and set anything you like from that file. You could take a look at how modus-themes does this.

One of the reason I defined the theme the way it is defined is to be able to have both the light and dark theme as for example in this screenshot: https://github.com/rougier/nano-sidebar/blob/master/images/nano-sidebar-ibuffer.png

I search for how to apply a theme to a single frame but did not find any obvious way. I ended up exploiting the dark/light frame background mode. As for splitting the theme in two files, I'm not sure I understand how this would help with settings some variables.
- Lines 363ff. seem to be indented unconventionally. Maybe add a
  .dir-locals.el to make sure everyone is using the same

Not sure what you mean by add a .dir-locals.el.
Can you give me a pointer to the documentation?

Search for "directory local variables" in the manual and you will find
instructions there.  Or type `M-x add-dir-local-variable RET'.

In the end, I fixed the indentation that was mixing tabs and space.


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