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Re: Installing the current emacs-28 branch under Windows 10

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Installing the current emacs-28 branch under Windows 10
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 19:41:28 +0300

> From: "H. Dieter Wilhelm" <dieter@duenenhof-wilhelm.de>
> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 17:59:57 +0200
> > I have no such problem here.  Does that happen in "emacs -Q"?
> Yes (I needed three shells to get emacs-28.0.60 -Q started)

See below for the reasons.

> > Do you have INFOPATH set in the environment?
> I didn't set INFOPATH (checked ~/.bashrc, I think it isn't a Windows
> environment variable).

It isn't.  But when you start Emacs from the MSYS Bash, you get fed
the INFOPATH value that's set there, for whatever reasons.  I don't
know where INFOPATH is defined and why; if that's not what you want,
perhaps edit your MSYS/Bash init files to remove or update the
setting, because it _will_ get in the way.

> ------------------------------
> 1) Windows command prompt, didn't work
> ------------------------------
> In the installation folder:
> runemacs.exe -Q
> => libgmp-10.dll not found

That means libgmp-10.dll is not on PATH.  Why not?  You should have
the directory with MinGW DLLs on your system's PATH.

> By the way, there was no runemacs.bat in the installation directory
> created.

Neither should there be.  Why did you expect to see runemacs.bat?

> ------------------------------
> 2) MSYS2 MSYS, didn't work either
> ------------------------------
> uidg1626@VSL7V7PW MSYS /d/Emacs/emacs28/bin
> $ echo $INFOPATH
> /usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:/share/info
> then
> $ ./runemacs.exe -Q
> => No Emacs GUI!

Strange.  Probably something MSYS does to prevent that.  But you
shouldn't invoke Emacs from MSYS shell.

> No error message, next try:
> uidg1626@VSL7V7PW MSYS /d/Emacs/emacs28/bin
> $ ./emacs-28.0.60.exe -Q
> D:/Emacs/emacs28/bin/emacs-28.0.60.exe: error while loading shared libraries: 
> libgmp-10.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Again, libgmp-10.dll is not on PATH.

> ------------------------------
> 3) MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit, is working
> ------------------------------
> uidg1626@VSL7V7PW MINGW64 /d/Emacs/emacs-28/info
> $ echo $INFOPATH
> /usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info:/share/info
> changed to the installation folder: /d/Emacs/emacs28/bin
> $ ./runemacs.exe -Q
> INFOPATH seen by Emacs (before C-h i):
> C-u M-! echo $INFOPATH
> D:\appl\MSYS2\usr\local\info;D:\appl\MSYS2\usr\share\info;D:\appl\MSYS2\usr\info;D:\appl\MSYS2\share\info
> Info-default-directory-list C-u C-x e ("%emacs_dir%/share/info/")
> Then Info: C-h i
> => No emacs menu item in (dir) Top.
> Info-directory-list C-u C-x e ("D:\\appl\\MSYS2\\usr\\share\\info")

And that is your problem: INFOPATH is set, but it points to Posix
directories, and doesn't include the directory where Emacs installs
its Info files.  You should either unset INFOPATH or update it to
include the directory where Emacs installs its Info files.  If you
want to run Emacs from its source tree, it is best to remove INFOPATH
from the environment.

And make sure the directory with MinGW DLLs is on PATH.

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