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Re: [PATCH] improving ses-jump for accepting cell names as lowercase

From: andrés ramírez
Subject: Re: [PATCH] improving ses-jump for accepting cell names as lowercase
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2022 15:20:27 +0000

Hi. Lars. My comments below.

>>>>> "Lars" == Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org> writes:

    Lars> andres.ramirez <rrandresf@gmail.com> writes:
    >> This patch improves ses-jump a little bit.

    Lars> [...]

    >> - (user-error "Invalid cell name") - (list (intern s))))) + (user-error 
"Empty cell name") +
    >> (list (intern (upcase s))))))

    Lars> I've never used ses before -- do cells have only upper-case names?

This is my gut feeling. I started using ses a couple of year ago. It
is really handy having a networked spreadsheet software :). Org-mode
tables are handy for simple things But for a little bit complex
calculations ses-mode is paramount.

This code comes from 2002. I think It should be around emacs19 or
emacs20. At that time it was just the TUI for emacs. Probably at that
time ses-jump was not so useful as it could be today. I could be
wrong. But nowadays We have 'display-line-numbers'. So When activating
display-line-numbers it is simpler to use ses-jump as we have a
line-number indicator at the left of the frame.

Back to your question. In the past lotus-1-2-3 used to have just
upper-case names on rows. So probably the answer is Yes.

JIC I am going to Cc the author and the maintainer. Perhaps They could
tell us about it. I have skimmed the code and have not found the answer.

Also I am sharing a couple of images for giving You a better idea:
,---- [ cli ]
| http://0x0.st/oPDb.png

,---- [ lucid ]
| http://0x0.st/oPDc.png

Best Regards

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