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Re: replacing hexl-mode with nhexl-mode?

From: Alfred M. Szmidt
Subject: Re: replacing hexl-mode with nhexl-mode?
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 03:07:25 -0400

   Btw, some problems can be seen almost right away.  Try this:

     C-x C-f etc/HELLO
     M-x nhexl-mode RET

   The display is much less tidy, to say the least, than with hexl.el.
   It looks like the fancy display of LF is the culprit, at least on my
   system (font issues?)  Now try scrolling with C-n, and you will see
   stuttering that isn't there with hexl.

   There's a also a larger, more subtle problem: nhexl shows you the
   internal representation of the buffer text, not what's in the file on
   disk; this matters a lot when the file has non-ASCII text.  You need
   to be aware of that and visit the file literally if you want to avoid
   this issue (there's no nhexl-find-file command).

   Finally, nhexl causes display problems when invoked in buffers
   text using bidirectional scripts.  Try this:

     C-x C-f etc/tutorials/TUTORIAL.he RET
     M-x nhexl-mode RET

These both seem to be because of not visiting the file literally;
something that hexl-mode will do automatically.  That shouldn't be to
hard to fix.

   Lots of fun!

I'm not sure I follow.

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