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Re: proposal: vc-print-log and vc-print-root-log include phases for hg

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: proposal: vc-print-log and vc-print-root-log include phases for hg
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 19:35:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "DG" == Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> writes:

> Hi!
> On 26.10.2022 15:26, Uwe Brauer wrote:

>> Phases in mercurial allow you to detect if a commit has been pushed
>> (phase: public) or not (phase: draft (or even secret))
>> Could that information included in
>> vc-print-log and vc-print-root-log include phases for hg?

> Are you able to add them through `vc-hg-log-switches`?

Well not really, but it might be my fault for not understanding its syntax.

From the command line it would be 

 hg log -G --template "phases"

For example

So I thought 
the setting 

"--template \"phases\""

Would do, using the string syntax but it does not work
so I used a list 

 ("--template \"phases\"")

Then I obtain

| hg log: option --template "phases" not recognized
| hg log [OPTION]... [FILE]
| show revision history of entire repository or files
| options ([+] can be repeated):
|  -f --follow              follow changeset history, or file history across
|                           copies and renames
|  -d --date DATE           show revisions matching date spec
|  -C --copies              show copied files
|  -k --keyword TEXT [+]    do case-insensitive search for a given text
|  -r --rev REV [+]         show the specified revision or revset
|     --removed             include revisions where files were removed
|  -u --user USER [+]       revisions committed by user
|  -b --branch BRANCH [+]   show changesets within the given named branch
|  -P --prune REV [+]       do not display revision or any of its ancestors
|  -p --patch               show patch
|  -g --git                 use git extended diff format
|  -l --limit NUM           limit number of changes displayed
|  -M --no-merges           do not show merges
|     --stat                output diffstat-style summary of changes
|  -G --graph               show the revision DAG
|  -T --template TEMPLATE   display with template
|  -I --include PATTERN [+] include names matching the given patterns
|  -X --exclude PATTERN [+] exclude names matching the given patterns
|     --mq                  operate on patch repository
| (use 'hg log -h' to show more help)

That seems absurd since I just run that command from the command line,

I am puzzled.

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