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Re: Builder, a build system integration for Emacs

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Builder, a build system integration for Emacs
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 08:36:13 +0000

Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> writes:

> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > As far as I know, Emacs does not provide a convenient way to use build
>   > systems,
> Isn't "use build systems" what M-x compile does?
> Assuming that each bui;d system provides a shell command to invoke it,
> M-x compile can run that command and build the package.

The issue is not what M-x compile, but that with a lot of modern
programming languages the build systems are complex but automatable, to
a point that it would be nice if Emacs could detect the necessary
information to invoke the right command or sequence of commands.

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