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Re: treesit-range-settings with ':local' : I missed something or it's a

From: Vincenzo Pupillo
Subject: Re: treesit-range-settings with ':local' : I missed something or it's a bug?
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:21:31 +0100

yes, it is a bug. I will send a patch to debbugs.gnu.org in the next few days.


In data giovedì 11 gennaio 2024 12:15:24 CET, Vincenzo Pupillo ha scritto:
> Hi, 
> in the php-ts-mode I am writing, I am trying to use the tree-sitter-phpdoc 
> parser 
> (I had tried before but without success, and I currently use a font block 
> based 
> on regular expressions). 
> tree-sitter-phpdoc requires a single doc block (a single /** */ doc block and 
> nothing else, no /* */ or #). I wrote these range rules:
> (setq-local treesit-range-settings
>                     (treesit-range-rules
>                      :embed 'phpdoc
>                      :host 'php
>                      :local t
>                      '(((comment) @cap
>                        (:match "/\\*\\*" @cap)))
>                      :embed 'html
>                      :host 'php
>                      '((program (text) @cap)
>                        (text_interpolation (text) @cap))
>                      :embed 'javascript
>                      :host 'html
>                      :offset '(1 . -1)
>                      '((script_element
>                         (start_tag (tag_name))
>                         (raw_text) @cap))
>                      :embed 'css
>                      :host 'html
>                      :offset '(1 . -1)
>                      '((style_element
>                         (start_tag (tag_name))
>                         (raw_text) @cap))))
> With html, js and css it works fine. With phpdoc I tried with or without 
> :local. 
> Without :local the parse intervals are all null. Without :local on the other 
> hand they are correct.
> With this simple php snippet:
> <?php
> /**
>  * Test class
>  * @author v <v.pupillo@gmail.com>
>  */
> class Test {
>     /** @see http://example.com the lib */
>     function test() {
>       echo "prova";
>     }
> }
> Without :local the field rules are:
> ((#<treesit-parser for phpdoc> ((1 . 1) (8 . 64) (82 . 120))) (#<treesit-
> parser for html> ((1 . 1) (1 . 2))) (#<treesit-parser for css> ((1 . 1))) 
> (#<treesit-parser for javascript> ((1 . 1))) (#<treesit-parser for php> nil))
> With :local the result is:
> ((#<treesit-parser for phpdoc> nil) (#<treesit-parser for html> nil) 
> (#<treesit-parser for css> nil) (#<treesit-parser for javascript> nil) 
> (#<treesit-parser for php> nil))
> With :local the treesit-language-at breaks, and js or css rules 
> are also applied to php code :-(
> I tried tracking the node location sent from the parser to the 
> font-lock-rules I wrote for phpdoc, 
> with :local the result is:
> phpdoc-block node-start= 8 node-end= 64 start= 1 end= 166
> phpdoc-block node-start= 82 node-end= 120 start= 1 end= 166
> phpdoc-block node-start= 1 node-end= 166 start= 1 end= 166
> the first two are right, the last one is not.
> Any idea?
> Tested with:
> GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 3, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.39, cairo 
> version 1.18.0) of 2024-01-11
> Thanks
> p.s. the function I wrote to get the ranges is:
> (defun php-ts-mode--get-parser-ranges ()
>   "Return the ranges covered by the parsers.
> `php-ts-mode' use 5 parsers, this function returns, for the
> current buffer, the ranges covered by each parser.
> Usefull for debugging."
>   (let ((ranges))
>     (if (not (treesit-parser-list))
>       (message "At least one parser must be initialized"))
>     (cl-loop
>      for parser in (treesit-parser-list)
>      do (push (list parser (treesit-parser-included-ranges parser)) ranges)
>      finally return ranges)))

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