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Re: Eglot tests on MPS branch (was: STatus of MPS branch)

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Eglot tests on MPS branch (was: STatus of MPS branch)
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:09:39 +0300

> From: Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 08:15:10 +0200
> In eglot-tests, the log ends with
>      passed  20/46  eglot-test-non-unique-completions (2.539077 sec)
>     skipped  21/46  eglot-test-path-to-uri-windows (0.000435 sec)
>     skipped  22/46  eglot-test-project-wide-diagnostics-rust-analyzer 
> (0.004449 sec)
>     skipped  23/46  eglot-test-project-wide-diagnostics-typescript (0.005207 
> sec)
>   [eglot-tests] [eglot-test-rename-a-symbol]: test start
>   [eglot] Connected! Server `clangd' now managing `(c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode 
> c++-ts-mode objc-mode)' buffers in project `rename-project'.
>   [eglot] Server wants to edit:
> /var/folders/1d/k_6t25f94sl83szqbf8gpkrh0000gn/T/eglot--fixture-3puiY5/rename-project/main.c
>  (2 changes)
> /private/var/folders/1d/k_6t25f94sl83szqbf8gpkrh0000gn/T/eglot--fixture-3puiY5/rename-project/main.c
>  (2 changes)
>   Proceed? (y or n)
> I don't understand the test, and won't do a deep dive into Eglot at this
> point, so I'll ignore this. It's not obvious to me how that relates to
> the new GC, if it does.
> If someone could debug this, that weould be nice.

I added João, but please start a new thread for each group of related
tests that fail, so as not to lump all of them in this single thread.
This thread is already too large and includes too many unrelated

I redirected this discussion to a separate thread just now.

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