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Re: Submitting Dslide to Non-GNU ELPA

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Submitting Dslide to Non-GNU ELPA
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:53:23 +0000

Psionic K <psionik@positron.solutions> writes:

>> So you are pretty sure there is no chance your changes could get
>> upstreamed?
> I'm sure.  I upstreamed all I intended to.  To support the features I
> wanted, it was necessary to allow the features to diverge, and then
> the implementations, based on org-element API instead of regex and
> matching, became similar only in spirit.  Keeping the org-tree-slide
> commit history intact is more an acknowledgement to Taka and the other
> contributors than something with technical justification.

My main concern is then to have some explanation for people not familiar
with either package (like me) to briefly summarise the main differences
between your package and org-tree-slide, making it easier to decide
which of the two one wants to use.

>> beyond my own eyes
> Good eyes.  I barely had time to overcome my favorite butcher shop
> closing down, so I was hoping the quick turnaround meant there is a
> static tool with those behaviors.

Most of my comments are really just superficial observations that anyone
would make with some Elisp familiarity and no prior familiarity with a
codebase.  That being said, if you have any concrete suggestions on how
to implement something, I am glad to comment on that.

        Philip Kaludercic on peregrine

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