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Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove

From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 10:38:45 -0400
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

On June 23, 2024 10:25:29 AM EDT, Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Daniel Colascione <dancol@dancol.org> writes:
>> Opt-out collection of anonymous metrics has been an industry standard
>> for many years now. There's nothing morally objectionable about
>> it. It's perfectly normal.
>Child labor

That escalated quickly.

>And I certainly find objectionable software that connects to the
>Internet without my informed consent.
>> Nor would there be anything about asking users "Collect anonymous
>> metrics to help Emacs development? Y/N" on first startup.
>This is by definition "opt-in", which produces results that, by your own
>admission, are totally meaningless.  

It's more "forced choice" than opt-in, same as recently-required browser choice 
screens in EU countries. IMHO opt-out is also good enough, but I'd be happy 
with this forced choice too. I don't think an out-of-the-way pure opt-in option 
would collect enough unbiased usage data. The conversion funnel narrows rapidly 
as friction increases.

> It would also be irritating.

It's one key, once, ever.

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