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Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks

From: Sebastián Monía
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Use vtable for eww-bookmarks
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 14:16:01 -0500

On Sun, Dec 8, 2024, at 11:52 PM, Jim Porter wrote:
> On 12/1/2024 2:12 PM, Sebastián Monía wrote:
> > Generalizing this feature can be challenging in that different types of
> > information could need very different handing.
> I think in this case, I'll defer to you and Adam (and Eli) about the 
> best path forward here. The existing behavior is a bit odd, and since I 
> don't use EWW's bookmarks, I don't have a good sense of the right way to 
> improve things here. Or in other words, I don't have any objections to 
> the code, but I'm not confident that I know enough about this corner to 
> do a properly thorough review.

Will submit a patch ASAP to include a column "Order" ("navigation order" 
is just too long, and I don't think users would associate it with M-n 
and M-p "navigation").
And then we don't need a "remove sort" binding.

Thank you everyone for your feedback!

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