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[elpa] externals/ebdb 1219b93 100/350: Rework *EBDB* buffer searching

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb 1219b93 100/350: Rework *EBDB* buffer searching
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:15 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit 1219b930e61ca1dd36e7f1699a13a2f5410cbc97
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Rework *EBDB* buffer searching
    Does not fix but does address #12
    BUG: Searching on the labels of ebdb-user-field-simple instances still
    doesn't work correctly, but at least it errs on the side of
    From a plumbing point of view, there's now a clear chain from 1)
    various interactive search commands that call 2)
    `ebdb-search-display', which is responsible for handling and
    displaying the records found by 3) `ebdb-search' which actually does
    the searching.
    From a UX point of view, most of the search commands can now be called
    with one of three prefix keys: "/" which searches all records and
    replaces the contents of the *EBDB* buffer, "|" which filters on the
    already-displayed records, and "+" which appends to the
    already-displayed records.
    This means that the `ebdb-append-*' stuff is gone.
    Meanwhile, `ebdb-search-invert' etc still exists, but has been moved
    to ebdb-com.el.
 ebdb-com.el | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 ebdb.el     | 100 +++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-com.el b/ebdb-com.el
index 5107cce..1c35f3b 100644
--- a/ebdb-com.el
+++ b/ebdb-com.el
@@ -177,13 +177,10 @@ Used by `ebdb-mouse-menu'."
 In the *EBDB* buffers it includes the records that are actually displayed
 and its elements are (RECORD DISPLAY-FORMAT MARKER-POS MARK).")
-(defvar ebdb-append-display nil
-  "Controls the behavior of the command `ebdb-append-display'.")
-(defvar ebdb-modeline-info (make-vector 4 nil)
+(defvar ebdb-modeline-info (make-vector 2 nil)
   "Precalculated mode line info for EBDB commands.
-APPEND-M is the mode line info if `ebdb-append-display' is non-nil.
+This is a vector [INVERT-M INVERT].
 INVERT-M is the mode line info if `ebdb-search-invert' is non-nil.")
 (defun ebdb-get-records (prompt)
@@ -210,15 +207,40 @@ If FULL is non-nil, assume that RECORDS include display 
           (if (eieio-object-p (car records)) (list records) records)
         (if (eieio-object-p records) (list records) records))))
-;; Note about EBDB prefix commands: `ebdb-append-display' and
-;; `ebdb-search-invert' are fake prefix commands. They need not
-;; precede the main commands.  Also, `ebdb-append-display' can act on
-;; multiple commands.
+;; Note about EBDB prefix commands: `ebdb-search-invert' is a fake
+;; prefix commands. They need not precede the main commands.
+(defvar ebdb-search-invert nil
+  "Bind this variable to t in order to invert the result of `ebdb-search'.")
+(defun ebdb-search-invert-p ()
+  "Return variable `ebdb-search-invert' and set it to nil.
+To set it again, use command `ebdb-search-invert'."
+  (let ((result ebdb-search-invert))
+    (setq ebdb-search-invert nil)
+    (aset ebdb-modeline-info 0 nil)
+    (aset ebdb-modeline-info 1 nil)
+    result))
+(defun ebdb-search-invert (&optional arg)
+  "Toggle inversion of the next search command.
+With prefix ARG a positive number, invert next search.
+With prefix ARG a negative number, do not invert next search."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (setq ebdb-search-invert
+        (or (and (numberp arg) (< 0 arg))
+            (and (not (numberp arg)) (not ebdb-search-invert))))
+  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 0 (if ebdb-search-invert "inv"))
+  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 1 (if ebdb-search-invert
+                                 (substitute-command-keys
+                                  "\\<ebdb-mode-map>\\[ebdb-search-invert]")))
+  (ebdb-prefix-message))
 (defun ebdb-prefix-message ()
   "Display a message about selected EBDB prefix commands."
-  (let ((msg (ebdb-concat " " (elt ebdb-modeline-info 1)
-                          (elt ebdb-modeline-info 3))))
+  (let ((msg (ebdb-concat " " (elt ebdb-modeline-info 0)
+                          (elt ebdb-modeline-info 1))))
     (unless (string= "" msg) (message "%s" msg))))
@@ -232,54 +254,9 @@ display information."
         (recs (or marked (list (ebdb-current-record t)))))
    (if full recs (mapcar 'car recs))))
-(defun ebdb-append-display-p ()
-  "Return variable `ebdb-append-display' and reset."
-  (let ((job (cond ((eq t ebdb-append-display))
-                   ((numberp ebdb-append-display)
-                    (setq ebdb-append-display (1- ebdb-append-display))
-                    (if (zerop ebdb-append-display)
-                        (setq ebdb-append-display nil))
-                    t)
-                   (ebdb-append-display
-                    (setq ebdb-append-display nil)
-                    t))))
-    (cond ((numberp ebdb-append-display)
-           (aset ebdb-modeline-info 0
-                 (format "(add %dx)" ebdb-append-display)))
-          ((not ebdb-append-display)
-           (aset ebdb-modeline-info 0 nil)
-           (aset ebdb-modeline-info 1 nil)))
-    job))
-(defun ebdb-append-display (&optional arg)
-  "Toggle appending next searched records in the *EBDB* buffer.
-With prefix ARG \\[universal-argument] always append.
-With ARG a positive number append for that many times.
-With ARG a negative number do not append."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (setq ebdb-append-display
-        (cond ((and arg (listp arg)) t)
-              ((and (numberp arg) (< 1 arg)) arg)
-              ((or (and (numberp arg) (< arg 0)) ebdb-append-display) nil)
-              (t 'once)))
-  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 0
-        (cond ((numberp ebdb-append-display)
-               (format "(add %dx)" ebdb-append-display))
-              ((eq t ebdb-append-display) "Add")
-              (ebdb-append-display "add")
-              (t nil)))
-  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 1
-        (if ebdb-append-display
-            (substitute-command-keys
-             "\\<ebdb-mode-map>\\[ebdb-append-display]")))
-  (ebdb-prefix-message))
 ;;; Keymap
 (defvar ebdb-mode-map
   (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key km (kbd "+")           'ebdb-append-display)
     (define-key km (kbd "!")           'ebdb-search-invert)
     (define-key km (kbd "a")           'ebdb-record-action)
     (define-key km (kbd "A")           'ebdb-mail-aliases)
@@ -333,12 +310,23 @@ With ARG a negative number do not append."
     (define-key km (kbd "/ /")         'ebdb)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ 1")         'ebdb-search-single-record)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ n")         'ebdb-search-name)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| n")         'ebdb-search-name)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ n")         'ebdb-search-name)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ o")         'ebdb-search-organization)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| o")         'ebdb-search-organization)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ o")         'ebdb-search-organization)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ p")         'ebdb-search-phone)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| p")         'ebdb-search-phone)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ p")         'ebdb-search-phone)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ a")         'ebdb-search-address)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| a")         'ebdb-search-address)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ a")         'ebdb-search-address)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ m")         'ebdb-search-mail)
-    (define-key km (kbd "/ N")         'ebdb-search-user-fields)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| m")         'ebdb-search-mail)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ m")         'ebdb-search-mail)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ x")         'ebdb-search-user-fields)
+    (define-key km (kbd "| x")         'ebdb-search-user-fields)
+    (define-key km (kbd "+ x")         'ebdb-search-user-fields)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ c")         'ebdb-search-changed)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ C")         'ebdb-search-record-class)
     (define-key km (kbd "/ d")         'ebdb-search-duplicates)
@@ -688,7 +676,6 @@ SELECT and HORIZ-P have the same meaning as in
 `ebdb-pop-up-window'.  BUF indicates which *EBDB* buffer to use,
 or nil to generate a buffer name based on the current major
-  (if (ebdb-append-display-p) (setq append t))
   ;; All functions that call `ebdb-display-records' set the "fmt"
   ;; argument, but that's not guaranteed.
@@ -935,7 +922,6 @@ displayed records."
      ["New creation date" ebdb-creation-newer t]
      ["Creation date = time stamp" ebdb-creation-no-change t]
-     ["Append search" ebdb-append-display t]
      ["Invert search" ebdb-search-invert t])
      ["Send mail" ebdb-mail t]
@@ -1149,7 +1135,7 @@ There are numerous hooks.  M-x apropos ^ebdb.*hook RET
                               (length (ebdb-records))))
               '(:eval (concat "  "
                               (ebdb-concat " " (elt ebdb-modeline-info 0)
-                                           (elt ebdb-modeline-info 2)))))
+                                           (elt ebdb-modeline-info 1)))))
         ;; For the mode-line we want to be fast. So we skip the checks
         ;; performed by `ebdb-with-db-buffer'.
@@ -1931,108 +1917,130 @@ With prefix N, omit the next N records.  If negative, 
omit backwards."
 ;; Entry points to EBDB
+;; We need to have this first thing in the interactive declaration,
+;; because if you check `this-command-keys' after the
+;; `ebdb-search-read' interactive bit, it will return ^M.
+(defsubst ebdb-search-style ()
+  "Interactive form used for setting up search style.
+\"Style\" means whether to append/filter/display the search
+results -- it does this by checking `this-command-keys'."
+  (cl-case (car (string-to-list (this-command-keys)))
+    (?| 'filter)
+    (?+ 'append)
+    (t 'display)))
+(defun ebdb-search-display (style clauses &optional fmt)
+  "Common routine for interactive searches in the *EBDB* buffer.
+STYLE indicates whether the results are being displayed straight,
+appended to existing records, or filtered from existing records.
+TYPE is the type of search being conducted (ie, 'name, 'mail,
+'address, etc).  CRIT is the search criteria; often a regexp, but
+not necessarily.  FMT is the optional formatter to use."
+  (let* ((pool (if (eql style 'filter)
+                  (mapcar #'car ebdb-records)
+                (ebdb-records)))
+        (invert (ebdb-search-invert-p))
+        (recs (ebdb-search pool clauses invert)))
+    (if recs
+       (ebdb-display-records recs fmt (eql style 'append))
+      (message "No matching records"))))
-(defun ebdb (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP
 in either the name(s), organization, address, phone, mail, or xfields."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read) (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
-  (let ((records (ebdb-search (ebdb-records) regexp regexp regexp
-                              regexp (cons '* regexp) regexp regexp)))
-    (if records
-        (ebdb-display-records records fmt nil t)
-      (message "No records matching '%s'" regexp))))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read)
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((name ,regexp)
+                              (organization ,regexp)
+                              (mail ,regexp)
+                              (notes ,regexp)
+                              (user ,regexp)
+                              (phone ,regexp)
+                              (address ,regexp))
+                      fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-name (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-name (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the name
 \(or ``alternate'' names\)."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "names") (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
-  (ebdb-display-records (ebdb-search (ebdb-records) regexp) fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "names")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((name ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-organization (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-organization (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the organization field."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "organization") 
-  (ebdb-display-records
-   (seq-filter
-    (lambda (r)
-      (ebdb-record-search r 'organization regexp))
-    (ebdb-records))
-   fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "organization")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((organization ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-address (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-address (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the address fields."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "address") (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
-  (ebdb-display-records
-   (seq-filter
-    (lambda (r)
-      (ebdb-record-search r 'address regexp))
-    (ebdb-records))
-   fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "address")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((address ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-mail (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-mail (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the mail address."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "mail address") 
-  (ebdb-display-records
-   (seq-filter
-    (lambda (r)
-      (ebdb-record-search r 'mail regexp))
-    (ebdb-records))
-   fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "mail address")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((mail ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-phone (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-phone (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the phones field."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "phone") (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
-  (ebdb-display-records
-   (seq-filter
-    (lambda (r)
-      (ebdb-record-search r 'phone regexp))
-    (ebdb-records))
-   fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "phone")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((phone ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-notes (regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-notes (style regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all records in the EBDB matching REGEXP in the phones field."
-  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-read "notes") (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
-  (ebdb-display-records
-   (seq-filter
-    (lambda (r)
-      (ebdb-record-search r 'notes regexp))
-    (ebdb-records))
-   fmt))
+  (interactive (list (ebdb-search-style)
+                    (ebdb-search-read "notes")
+                    (ebdb-formatter-prefix)))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((notes ,regexp)) fmt))
-(defun ebdb-search-user-fields (field regexp &optional fmt)
+(defun ebdb-search-user-fields (style field regexp &optional fmt)
   "Display all EBDB records for which user field FIELD matches REGEXP."
    ;; TODO: Refactor this with `ebdb-prompt-for-field-type'
-   (let* ((field-alist
-         (append
-          (mapcar
-           (lambda (f)
-             (cons
-              (ebdb-field-readable-name (intern (car f)))
-              (intern (car f))))
-           (eieio-build-class-alist 'ebdb-field-user t))
-          (mapcar
-           (lambda (l)
-             (cons l 'ebdb-field-user-simple))
-           ebdb-user-label-list)))
-        (field (assoc (completing-read "Field to search (RET for all): "
-                                       field-alist
-                                       nil t)
-                      field-alist)))
-     (list (if (null field) '* field)
+   (let* ((style (ebdb-search-style))
+         (field-alist
+          (append
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (f)
+              (cons
+               (ebdb-field-readable-name (intern (car f)))
+               (intern (car f))))
+            (eieio-build-class-alist 'ebdb-field-user t))
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (l)
+              (cons l 'ebdb-field-user-simple))
+            ebdb-user-label-list)))
+         (field (assoc (completing-read "Field to search (RET for all): "
+                                        field-alist
+                                        nil t)
+                       field-alist)))
+     (list style
+          (if (null field) '* field)
            (ebdb-search-read (if (null field)
                                 "any user field"
                               (car field)))
-  (ebdb-display-records (ebdb-search (ebdb-records) nil nil nil nil
-                                     (cons field regexp))
-                        fmt))
+  (ebdb-search-display style `((user ,(cons field regexp))) fmt))
 (defun ebdb-search-changed (&optional fmt)
diff --git a/ebdb.el b/ebdb.el
index c18a654..35988d3 100644
--- a/ebdb.el
+++ b/ebdb.el
@@ -4571,83 +4571,29 @@ With prefix ARG, insert string at point."
 ;;; Searching EBDB
-(defvar ebdb-search-invert nil
-  "Bind this variable to t in order to invert the result of `ebdb-search'.")
-(defun ebdb-search-invert-p ()
-  "Return variable `ebdb-search-invert' and set it to nil.
-To set it again, use command `ebdb-search-invert'."
-  (let ((result ebdb-search-invert))
-    (setq ebdb-search-invert nil)
-    (aset ebdb-modeline-info 2 nil)
-    (aset ebdb-modeline-info 3 nil)
-    result))
-(defun ebdb-search-invert (&optional arg)
-  "Toggle inversion of the next search command.
-With prefix ARG a positive number, invert next search.
-With prefix ARG a negative number, do not invert next search."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (setq ebdb-search-invert
-        (or (and (numberp arg) (< 0 arg))
-            (and (not (numberp arg)) (not ebdb-search-invert))))
-  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 2 (if ebdb-search-invert "inv"))
-  (aset ebdb-modeline-info 3 (if ebdb-search-invert
-                                 (substitute-command-keys
-                                  "\\<ebdb-mode-map>\\[ebdb-search-invert]")))
-  (ebdb-prefix-message))
-(defmacro ebdb-search (records &optional name-re org-re mail-re notes-re
-                              user-field-re phone-re address-re)
-  "Search RECORDS for fields matching regexps.
-Regexp NAME-RE is matched against FIRST_LAST, LAST_FIRST, and
-AKA.  Regexp USER-FIELD-RE is matched against user fields.
-USER-FIELD-RE may also be a cons (LABEL . RE).  Then RE is
-matched against field LABEL.  If LABEL is '* then RE is matched
-against any user field.
-This macro only generates code for those fields actually being searched for;
-literal nils at compile-time cause no code to be generated.
-To reverse the search, bind variable `ebdb-search-invert' to t.
-See also `ebdb-message-search' for fast searches using `ebdb-hashtable'
-but not allowing for regexps."
-  (let (clauses)
-    ;; I did not protect these vars from multiple evaluation because that
-    ;; actually generates *less efficient code* in elisp, because the extra
-    ;; bindings cannot easily be optimized away without lexical scope.  fmh.
-    (or (stringp name-re) (symbolp name-re) (error "name-re must be atomic"))
-    (or (stringp org-re) (symbolp org-re) (error "org-re must be atomic"))
-    (or (stringp mail-re) (symbolp mail-re) (error "mail-re must be atomic"))
-    (or (stringp user-field-re) (symbolp user-field-re) (consp user-field-re)
-        (error "user-field-re must be atomic or cons"))
-    (or (stringp phone-re) (symbolp phone-re) (error "phone-re must be 
-    (or (stringp address-re) (symbolp address-re) (error "address-re must be 
-    (when name-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'name ,name-re) clauses))
-    (when org-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'organization ,org-re)
-           clauses))
-    (when phone-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'phone ,phone-re) clauses))
-    (when address-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'address ,address-re) clauses))
-    (when mail-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'mail ,mail-re) clauses))
-    (when notes-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'notes ,notes-re) clauses))
-    (when user-field-re
-      (push `(ebdb-record-search record 'user ,user-field-re) clauses))
-    `(let ((case-fold-search ebdb-case-fold-search)
-           (invert (ebdb-search-invert-p))
-           matches)
-       (dolist (record ,records)
-         (unless (eq (not invert) (not (or ,@clauses)))
-           (push record matches)))
-       (nreverse matches))))
+(defun ebdb-search (records clauses &optional invert)
+  "Search RECORDS for records matching CLAUSES.
+Each element of CLAUSES is either a two-element list of (symbol
+criteria), which will be used to make a call to
+`ebdb-record-search', or it is a callable, which will be called
+with a record as the argument.  All other values will be
+interpreted as t, ie the record passes."
+  (let ((case-fold-search ebdb-case-fold-search))
+    (seq-filter
+     (lambda (r)
+       (eql (null invert)
+           (catch 'found
+             (dolist (c clauses)
+               (pcase c
+                 (`(,(and type (pred symbolp)) ,criteria)
+                  (and (ebdb-record-search r type criteria)
+                       (throw 'found t)))
+                 (`,(and func (pred functionp))
+                  (and (funcall func r)
+                       (throw 'found t)))
+                 (_ t))))))
+     records)))
 (defun ebdb-search-read (&optional field)
   "Read regexp to search FIELD values of records."

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