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[elpa] externals/ebdb 9edc54f 120/350: Merge snarf branch, basic framewo

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb 9edc54f 120/350: Merge snarf branch, basic framework of snarfing in place
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit 9edc54f0c4be6f00ac61f6230acf64a468181e21
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Merge snarf branch, basic framework of snarfing in place
    * ebdb-snarf.el (ebdb-snarf, ebdb-snarf-collect, ebdb-snarf-process):
      Three functions that prepare the text, collect record/field
      information from the text, and create/update/display records,
    Doesn't actually do very much yet -- only recognizes mail addresses or
 ebdb-com.el   |   8 +++
 ebdb-snarf.el | 203 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ebdb.el       |  14 ++++
 3 files changed, 225 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ebdb-com.el b/ebdb-com.el
index ea34427..ecfafb2 100644
--- a/ebdb-com.el
+++ b/ebdb-com.el
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 (require 'ebdb)
 (require 'ebdb-format)
+(require 'ebdb-snarf)
 (require 'mailabbrev)
@@ -80,6 +81,13 @@ Used by `ebdb-mouse-menu'."
   :group 'ebdb-record-display
   :type 'sexp)
+(defcustom ebdb-mua-auto-snarf-signature nil
+  "If t, EBDB will attempt to snarf the mail message signature
+  and add additional field information (ie phone or address) to
+  the sending record.
+Valid values are nil, 'query or t, or 'auto.")
 (defcustom ebdb-display-hook nil
   "Hook run after the *EBDB* is filled in."
   :group 'ebdb-record-display
diff --git a/ebdb-snarf.el b/ebdb-snarf.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e039fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebdb-snarf.el
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+;;; ebdb-snarf.el --- Creating or displaying records based on free-form pieces 
of text  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2016  Eric Abrahamsen
+;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: mail
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file provides functions for reading arbitrary bits of text,
+;; interpreting them as records and fields, and then using them to
+;; search/display/update/create records.
+;; The main entry point is the interactive command `ebdb-snarf'.  It
+;; figures out what text we're dealing with, puts the text in a temp
+;; buffer, calls `ebdb-snarf-collect', and passes the results of that
+;; to `ebdb-snarf-process'.
+;; `ebdb-snarf-collect' is responsible for collecting everything in
+;; the buffer that looks like information that could represent a
+;; record, or a field.  It creates actual field instances if possible,
+;; and puts them into likely groups.  `ebdb-snarf-process' is
+;; responsible for prompting the user to actually create or update
+;; records, and for displaying the results.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ebdb)
+(defun ebdb-snarf (&optional string start end)
+  "Snarf text and attempt to display/update/create a record from it.
+If STRING is given, snarf the string.  If START and END are given
+in addition to STRING, assume they are 0-based indices into it.
+If STRING is nil but START and END are given, assume they are
+buffer positions, and snarf the region between.  If all three
+arguments are nil, snarf the entire current buffer."
+  (interactive
+   (list nil
+        (region-beginning)
+        (region-end)))
+  (let (str)
+    (cond ((and (or start end) string)
+          (setq str (substring string start end)))
+         ((and start end (null string))
+          (setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
+         (string
+          (setq str string))
+         (t
+          (setq str (buffer-string))))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert (string-trim str))
+      (ebdb-snarf-process (ebdb-snarf-collect)))))
+(defun ebdb-snarf-collect (&optional records)
+  "Collect EBDB record information from the text of the current buffer.
+This function will find everything that looks like field
+information, and do its best to either associate that information
+with existing records, or to organize it into likely groups.  If
+RECORDS is given, it should be a list of records that we think
+have something to do with the text in the buffer."
+  (let ((name-re "\\(\\(?:[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+[[:blank:]]?\\)+\\)")
+       (mail-re "\\([^[:space:address@hidden:space:]>]+\\)")
+       (case-fold-search nil)
+       group name mail phone address sticker)
+    ;; The structure we'll return is a list of lists.  Each element is
+    ;; a list of objects (records and fields) that we believe are
+    ;; associated.  If RECORDS is given, then we have something to
+    ;; start with.
+    (when records
+      (setq records (mapcar (lambda (r)
+                             (list :record r))
+                           records)))
+    ;; We don't explicitly search for names, because how would you
+    ;; know?  Instead, we look for things that appear to be names,
+    ;; that come right before some other field information.  Ie:
+    ;; John Bob <address@hidden>
+    ;; John Bob (555) 555-5555
+    ;; John Bob
+    ;; 1111 Upsidedown Drive
+    ;; Nowhere, Massachusetts, 55555
+    ;; Currently the definition of "name" is a series of capitalized
+    ;; words, which is dumb.
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    ;; Scan for mail addresses.  This is all we're going to do, until
+    ;; the basics are in place.
+    (while (re-search-forward mail-re nil t)
+      (setq mail (match-string-no-properties 1)
+           sticker (line-end-position)
+           name (save-excursion
+                  (goto-char (progn (forward-line -1)
+                                    (line-beginning-position)))
+                  ;; This allows for a name before the email address,
+                  ;; or on the line above it.  Probably this is too
+                  ;; permissive.
+                  (when (re-search-forward name-re sticker t)
+                    (match-string-no-properties 1))))
+      ;; See if any of this information fits what we've got in
+      ;; RECORDS.
+      (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
+            (name (when name (string-trim name)))
+            (mail-user
+             (replace-regexp-in-string "[.-]" ""
+                                       (car (split-string mail "@")))))
+       (unless (catch 'match
+                 (when name
+                   (setq mail-user (regexp-opt
+                                    (list mail-user
+                                          name))))
+                 (dolist (elt records)
+                   (dolist (thing elt)
+                     (when (cond
+                            ((and (object-of-class-p thing ebdb-record)
+                                  (or (ebdb-search (list thing)
+                                                   `((name ,mail-user)
+                                                     (mail ,mail-user))))))
+                            ((and (object-of-class-p thing ebdb-field-name)
+                                  (ebdb-field-search thing mail-user)))
+                            (t nil))
+                       (plist-put elt :mail (ebdb-parse 
ebdb-default-mail-class mail))
+                       (when name
+                         (plist-put elt :name (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name 
+                       (throw 'match t)))))
+         (setq group
+               (plist-put group :mail (ebdb-parse ebdb-default-mail-class 
+         (when name
+           (setq group (plist-put group :name (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name 
+         (push group records))))
+    records))
+(defun ebdb-snarf-process (input)
+  "Process INPUT, which is a list of bundled information
+  representing records.
+Either find the matching records, update existing (but
+incomplete) records, or create new records.  Then display them."
+  (let (record name mail phone address slot records)
+    (dolist (bundle input)
+      (setq record (plist-get bundle :record)
+           name (plist-get bundle :name)
+           mail (plist-get bundle :mail)
+           phone (plist-get bundle :phone)
+           address (plist-get bundle :address))
+      (unless record
+       (unless (setq record (car-safe
+                             (ebdb-message-search
+                              (and name (ebdb-string name))
+                              (and mail (ebdb-string mail)))))
+         (when (yes-or-no-p
+                (format "Create new record%s? "
+                        (if name
+                            (format " for %s" (ebdb-string name))
+                          "")))
+           (setq record (make-instance ebdb-default-record-class
+                                       :name (or name (ebdb-read 
+           (ebdb-db-add-record (car ebdb-db-list) record)
+           (ebdb-init-record record))))
+      (dolist (elt (list mail phone address))
+       (when elt
+         (setq slot (car (ebdb-record-field-slot-query
+                          (eieio-object-class record)
+                          `(nil . ,(eieio-object-class elt)))))
+         (when (and slot
+                    (null (or (equal elt (slot-value record slot))
+                              (member elt (slot-value record slot))))
+                    (yes-or-no-p (format "Add %s to %s? "
+                                         (ebdb-string elt)
+                                         (ebdb-string record))))
+           (ebdb-record-insert-field
+            record
+            slot
+            elt))))
+      (push record records))
+    (when records
+      (ebdb-display-records records nil nil t (ebdb-popup-window)
+                           (format "*%s-Snarf*" ebdb-buffer-name)))))
+(provide 'ebdb-snarf)
+;;; ebdb-snarf.el ends here
diff --git a/ebdb.el b/ebdb.el
index 97400a8..a45f646 100644
--- a/ebdb.el
+++ b/ebdb.el
@@ -1099,6 +1099,20 @@ first one."
       (setq slots (plist-put slots :priority (slot-value obj 'priority))))
     (cl-call-next-method class slots obj)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-parse ((class (subclass ebdb-field-mail))
+                         (str string)
+                         &optional slots)
+  "Parse STR as though it were a mail field."
+  (pcase-let
+      ((`(,name ,mail) (ebdb-decompose-ebdb-address str)))
+    (unless mail
+      (signal 'ebdb-unparseable (list str)))
+    (unless (plist-get slots :mail)
+      (setq slots (plist-put slots :mail mail)))
+    (unless (plist-get slots :aka)
+      (setq slots (plist-put slots :aka name)))
+    (cl-call-next-method class str slots)))
 (defun ebdb-sort-mails (mails)
   "Sort MAILS (being instances of `ebdb-field-mail') by their
   priority slot.  Primary sorts before normal sorts before

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