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[elpa] externals/realgud 8beb4f5 009/140: Merge pull request #182 from r

From: Rocky Bernstein
Subject: [elpa] externals/realgud 8beb4f5 009/140: Merge pull request #182 from roymath/master
Date: Sat, 25 May 2019 19:35:20 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/realgud
commit 8beb4f5f2b2fd893dee853d23b09b979dcd30ba3
Merge: ad333ac 83d471f
Author: R. Bernstein <address@hidden>
Commit: GitHub <address@hidden>

    Merge pull request #182 from roymath/master
    fixed unload; added ert-based tests for realgud
 realgud.el           | 42 ++++++++-----------------------
 test/test-realgud.el | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/realgud.el b/realgud.el
index dde1b50..eb370df 100644
--- a/realgud.el
+++ b/realgud.el
@@ -113,42 +113,20 @@
 (defun realgud:loaded-features()
-  "Return a list of loaded debugger features. These are the
-features that start with 'realgud-' and also include standalone debugger 
-like 'pydbgr'."
-  (let ((result nil)
-       (feature-str))
-    (dolist (feature features result)
-      (setq feature-str (symbol-name feature))
-      (cond ((eq 't
-                (string-prefix-p feature-str "realgud-"))
-            (setq result (cons feature-str result)))
-           ((eq 't
-                (string-prefix-p feature-str "nodejs"))
-            (setq result (cons feature-str result)))
-           ((eq 't
-                ;; No trailing '-' to get a plain "trepan".
-                (string-prefix-p feature-str "trepan"))
-            (setq result (cons feature-str result)))
-           ((eq 't
-                ;; No trailing '-' to get a plain "trepanx".
-                (string-prefix-p feature-str "trepanx"))
-            (setq result (cons feature-str result)))
-           ('t nil))
-       )
-      )
+  "Return a list of loaded debugger features. These are the features
+that start with 'realgud-' and 'realgud:'"
+  (delq nil
+               (mapcar (lambda (x) (and (string-match-p 
"^\\(realgud:\\|realgud-\\)" (symbol-name x)) x))
+                               features)))
 (defun realgud:unload-features()
   "Remove all features loaded from this package. Used in
 `realgud:reload-features'. See that."
-  (interactive "")
-  (let ((result (realgud:loaded-features)))
-    (dolist (feature result result)
-      (unless (symbolp feature) (setq feature (make-symbol feature)))
-      (if (featurep feature)
-       (unload-feature feature) 't))
-  ))
+  (let ((removal-set (realgud:loaded-features)))
+       (dolist (feature removal-set)
+         (unload-feature feature t))
+       removal-set)) ; return removed set
 (defun realgud:reload-features()
   "Reload all features loaded from this package. Useful if have
diff --git a/test/test-realgud.el b/test/test-realgud.el
index 2e7d09e..6cb1cab 100644
--- a/test/test-realgud.el
+++ b/test/test-realgud.el
@@ -1,31 +1,41 @@
-;; Press C-x C-e at the end of the next line to run this file test 
-;; (test-simple-run "emacs -batch -L %s -l %s" (file-name-directory 
(locate-library "test-simple.elc")) buffer-file-name)
+;; Manually run these tests as follows:
+;; emacs --batch --no-site-file --no-splash \
+;;   --script setup.el --chdir PACAKGESDIR/realgud \
+;;   -l test/test-realgud.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
+;; where setup.el looks something like:
+;; (let ((elpa-dir (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa")))
+;;   (add-to-list 'load-path (concat elpa-dir "/test-simple-20170117.411"))
+;;   (add-to-list 'load-path (concat elpa-dir "/load-relative-20160716.438"))
+;;   (add-to-list 'load-path (concat elpa-dir "/loc-changes-20160801.1008")))
+(defun realgud-test-helper()
+  (delq nil
+               (mapcar (lambda (x) (and (string-match-p 
"^\\(realgud:\\|realgud-\\)" (symbol-name x)) x))
+                               features)))
+(ert-deftest test-feature-unload()
+  ;; no realgud features exist by default
+  (should (= 0 (length (realgud-test-helper))))
+  (should-not (member 'realgud-pdb features))
+  (load-file "realgud.el") ; manually load the first time
+  ;; we should now have realgud features;
+  (should-not (= 0 (length (realgud-test-helper))))
+  (should (member 'realgud-pdb features))
+  ;; test at least 1 by name
+  (should (member 'realgud-pdb features))
+  ;; unload all and test
+  (let ((removed (realgud:unload-features)))
+       (should-not (= 0 (length removed)))) ; check that we return removed 
+  (let ((removed (realgud:unload-features))) ; should not err out if called on 
+       (should (= 0 (length removed))))
+  (realgud:load-features) ; load and test
+  (should-not (= 0 (length (realgud-test-helper))))
+  (should (member 'realgud-pdb features)))
-(require 'test-simple)
-(load-file "../realgud.el")
-(declare-function realgud:loaded-features    'realgud)
-(declare-function realgud:unload-features    'realgud-regexp)
-(declare-function __FILE__                   'load-relative)
-  (defvar test-realgud:features)
-(note "realgud")
-(note "realgud:loaded-features")
-(set (make-local-variable 'test-realgud:features) (realgud:loaded-features))
-;; (dolist (feature '(realgud-trepan
-;;                            realgud-core))
-;;   (assert-t (not (not (member feature test-realgud:features)))) )
-(note "realgud-unload-features")
-(load-file "../realgud.el")
-(assert-nil (not (realgud:loaded-features)))
-(assert-nil (not (realgud:unload-features)))

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