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Re: [BUG] org-capture autoload bug? [9.5.2 (9.5.2-gfbff08 @ /home/ignaci

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [BUG] org-capture autoload bug? [9.5.2 (9.5.2-gfbff08 @ /home/ignacio/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.2/)]
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 23:32:56 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.5.0

On 10/03/2022 19:53, Ignacio Casso wrote:
For example, if we call this:

   (let ((org-capture-templates
          '(("d" "default" entry
             (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Tasks")
             "* %?"))))
     (org-capture nil "d")))

It produces the error:

   (error "No capture template referred to by \"d\" keys")

Ignacio, could you, please, try the following?

       '(("d" "default" entry
          (file "/tmp/capture-test.org")
          "* %?"))))
    (org-capture nil "d")

On 09/03/2022 23:39, c.buhtz wrote in 7395938a0e6b06139239bc70ba7c2b19@posteo.de:">https://list.orgmode.org/7395938a0e6b06139239bc70ba7c2b19@posteo.de:> Why using custom-set variables here? Is there something wrong with just doing
(org-export-with-broken-links t)

I do not think that something similar may happen with `org-export-with-broken-links', but I suppose, the example above is another argument to prefer setting variables through customization interface instead of bare `setq' in general.

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