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Re: Export Org with Org concept -- Re: Problems with C-c C-e file.org,

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Export Org with Org concept -- Re: Problems with C-c C-e file.org,
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 14:08:44 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21)

* Max Nikulin <manikulin@gmail.com> [2023-01-03 15:18]:
> Eduardo, I am sorry, but from my opinion it is too much. Perhaps you are
> just not realizing that resources of developers are rather limited. Getting
> rid of `read-char-exclusive' in Org menus requires significant amount of
> work.

Yeah, right, I have spent few hours to make

GNU Emacs package: rcd-org-export.el -- use Org to export Org:
2022-12-25 18:16:06.397296+03


And from there I developed RCD Dashboard on
2022-12-25 17:44:11.336142+03

GNU Emacs package: rcd-dashboard.el -- Tool to build Emacs dashboards:

And now I have full set of dashboards with people being assigned to
tasks, plans, programs, projects, agenda, etc.

Because I can't agree to your statements, that is why I use the user
friendly Org mode based RCD Org Export Dashboard instead of standard
Org blocking, user-unfriendly one.

> Nobody argues that it would be a great improvement, but it is
> necessary to make changes that are not obvious at first glance. It
> would lead to confusing behavior otherwise.

Nothing is obvious when it is not obvious. I got it.

> Jean might be happy with the posted mock-up.

The posted mock-up is not any more mock-up but daily used dashboard to
export Org.

> Unfortunately that code is too far from been ready to be used for
> all users.

So how far? Like few hours?

> E.g. it does not use `org-export-registered-backends', not to
> mention that all menus in the package should be consistent.

I am aware of it, thanks.

Feel free to make it. 

Do you really need it?

Though, we speak here of non-blicking Org Export, and there are many
ways to do it, we speak of decisions that are not user friendly, made
before more than 10 years.

There was enough time to use whatever one wish. I can't wait for
somebody in mainstream Org to make it user friendly, mouse clickable,
and so there is enough of it for you to adapt it to your own needs as
in main stream. 

If you people wish.

If you look at the RCD Dashboard, then how "menus" should look like
may be left to user to decide. So far nobody uses my package that I
know, and in that case, I will not keep improving what is not so far
found as interesting for users. 

It works for me so well. That is why I use it.

Feel free to bend your fingers with C-c C-e C-a C-f C-s, and I will
keep using the mouse device to export Org.

> It is OK to have a bunch of repetitive code for a demo, but it can
> not be taken as is.

You have not say that you like the functionality. Underlying
repetitive stuff is not important.

And I rather like that repetitive style than the Gordian knot of the
Org code.

> I am lost what is your actual needs after your request to rewrite
> the export dispatcher for you.

It can be rewritten in simple text, actually in Org mode alone it can
work. That is up to those who are interested. 

Why develop something when there is no interest?

I guess it must be 5-6 years that I was talking about sharing headings
by e-mail, XMPP, SMS, etc. and since then I have received bunch of
dollars because of those features. None of it was implemented in Org,
because sharing is not part of it, or decisions, or developers
burdens, etc. 

That is example of "why develop features when there is no interest for

Good that Emacs is extensible by every user, otherwise it would be one
way road with Org.


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