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Re: HELLO changes

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: HELLO changes
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 17:21:55 +0900 (JST)
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In article <address@hidden>, Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
>     So, my suggestion is to change the line "A short test ..."
>     to "A short test for characters represented by the character
>     sets mule-unicode-0100-24ff".  Making
>     "mule-unicode-0100-24ff" clickable to run
>     describe-charater-set may also be useful.

> Okay, would you like to put the text back in with that change?

I installed Dave's change except for deleting the last part,
and changed the heading text of that part as above.  But I
have not yet made "mule-unicode-0100-24ff" clickable.  I
don't know what is the best way to do that.  Could someone
who knows how help-xref work do that?

Juri Linkov <address@hidden> writes:
> Dave Love <address@hidden> writes:
>>  These changes alter some language names to agree with the definitions
>>  in the ICU locales database (somewhere under
>>  <URL:http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/>).

> Good, but you have mixed uppercases and lowercases in capital letters of
> language names: you changed most of the names to lowercase, but kept
> uppercase for Czech, Estonian, German, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.  You
> should choose either uppercase or lowercase and stick to it in all names.

As Richard wrote, using uppercase or not depends on a
langauge.  But, I'm not sure Dave's changes are all correct.
For instance, according to my encyclopedia, Slovak uses
lower case.   Could someone verify them?

> Also you added RTL name for Hebrew, but text sample is in LTR, because
> it was decided to write it in logical-order until BIDI display
> will be supported.  So the language name should be changed to LTR.

Right,  I did so.

>>  I think the ASCII-only lines should be removed as they don't help to
>>  `illustrate a number of scripts'.

> Right, the purpose of HELLO file is not to teach how to say hello in
> various languages, but to illustrate a number of scripts.

I think we don't have to be that practical.  Isn't it a fun
that we can see many "hello"s just by typing C-h h?

> So non-ASCII character should be added to ASCII-only greetings.
> For example, Finnish has now ASCII-only informal greeting "Hei".
> I propose to add more formal greeting "Hyvää päivää" (Good afternoon)
> which has a-umlaut.  For Estonian I propose to add "Tere päevast"
> (Good afternoon) with a-umlaut, and "Tere õhtust" (Good evening)
> with o-tilde.

Ok, I added them.

> I think it is not very necessary to add only greetings.  It's more important
> that sample text will illustrate as much as possible non-ASCII characters
> of a language.  For example, Swedish sample text could also have "hej då"
> or something other word containing a-ring letter and other non-ASCII letters.
> For Danish "En øl værsgo" could be added with o-slash and ae, and so on.

I didn't add them because they don't add any varieties of
scripts/charsets to the file.  I'd like to keep HELLO file
contains mostly greetings except for the case that just a
greeting can't show something useful (e.g. variations of
chinese characters).

> Note also that all changes in HELLO file should be duplicated
> in `sample-text' properties of every `set-language-info-alist'.

I'll do that when it is confirmed that all language name
cases are correct.

Ken'ichi HANDA

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