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Re: [ft-devel] ttfautohint now has a GUI

From: vernon adams
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] ttfautohint now has a GUI
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 08:02:02 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:9.0) Gecko/20111220 Thunderbird/9.0

As a kde user, the qt dependency is a non-issue for me :p
but... the build is reliant on qt4.8, which is still pre-release, so even i have to rebuild my whole qt libs to a non-stable state just for ttfautohint. Fun but overkill. Using the qt library for ttfautohint is understandable, but i suggest it needs to be aimed to build out of the box on the main linux distros, at the very least. Out of interest, do we know what the situation would be for someone porting ttfautohint to a cocoa etc build for osx? I know many would want that.


On 23/01/12 19:26, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Oh oh. Looks like the times of "easy building" of ttfautohint are
gone :(

It now requires a huge Qt library. I don't mind the ability to have
a GUI tool but to require Qt in order to build a simple commandline
app is somewhat of an overkill, especially if one wants to deploy
the tool on a GUI-less server. I'd greatly appreciate an ability to
build without the Qt dependancy.
Will do.

Also the build process seems to have added complication. I used to
be able to build ttfautohint on Mac OS X as either a 32-bit Intel or
a 64-bit Intel commandline app. Now calling:

$ ./configure --with-freetype-config=`pwd`/../out/bin/freetype-config
--prefix=`pwd`/../out \
             CFLAGS="-Os -arch i386"

no longer is sufficient because the Qt flags seem to insist on
x86_64, and I don't yet know how to work around it.
This is something I have to ask on a Qt forum.

But even if I decide to build x86_64, the new "bootstrap" stuff adds
even more complication to the mix.  I downloaded the most recent
libtool and installed it (bootstrap insisted on it), and now
bootstrap pulls some "gnulib" stuff, which then seems to conflict
with the headers that come pre-installed on my Mac OS X.  See below.
This shouldn't happen.  Probably a bug.  I'll report it to the gnulib

Thanks for testing!


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