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Re: [freetype2] Remove #include FT_XXX_H includes from library sources

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [freetype2] Remove #include FT_XXX_H includes from library sources
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 02:48:21 +0200

And here's the patch to fix freetype2-demos compilation first.

Le jeu. 4 juin 2020 à 02:42, David Turner <> a écrit :
Since nobody does development on DOS or Windows 9x anymore, we can finally drop the requirement to use file names limited to the 8.3 format, which was the reason why the FT_LONG_HEADER_NAME_H macros were introduced in the first place.

This bundle contains patches to replace all #include FT_XXX_H statements from the library into the corresponding #include <freetype/xxxxxx.h> include.

Note that:

- This doesn't try to rename any file.

- The macros are still defined by <freetype/config/ftheader.h> to avoid breaking existing client codes. We will likely have to live with them for a _very_ long time, but that's life.

- A few configuration-related macros are kept (e.g. FT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H, FT_MODULE_H) are kept intentionally. I'd like to get rid of FT_MODULE_H entirely in the future by refactoring the way feature configuration is performed, but that's for a very different time.

- The public headers should not be renamed. On the other hand, anything under include/freetype/internal/ might be renamed to clearer names in the future.

IMPORTANT: This currently breaks ftdiff.c in freetype2-demos because it tries to include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H, this should be addressed by a different patch.

The bundle contains 88 commits. Each one renaming a single macro. I recommend submitting the bundle squashed after verifying that everything works, but I'll let you choose otherwise if you prefer :-)

- David

Attachment: 0001-build-Include-internal-headers-by-their-real-names.patch
Description: Text Data

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