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Re: [Freetype] FT_Render_Glyph doesn't work well

Subject: Re: [Freetype] FT_Render_Glyph doesn't work well
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 11:25:15 +0800


        There is a clerical errors in my code ,"char* pBitmap" should be "char* 
pBitmap=0". But I do have the correct code in my program.It is just a mistake 
during copy.
======= 2003-05-17 11:15:00 You wrote=======

>     I use the FT_Render_Glyph function to render a char from the windows font 
> "arial",but I find there is only outline in the rendered bitmap .The inner 
> part is not filled.Why ?I even tried the FT_Load_Char with FT_LOAD_RENDER 
> option.But it still didn't work.
>       Thank you for answering my quetion.
>       The following is my test code
>       if(error=FT_Init_FreeType(&library))
>               return 1;
>       if(error=FT_New_Face(library,"arial.ttf",0,&face)){
>               return 2;
>       }
>       if(error=FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face,0,256))
>               return 3;
>       FT_Select_Charmap(face,FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD);
>       char c='a';
>       if(error=FT_Load_Char(face,c,FT_LOAD_DEFAULT))
>               return 4;
>       char* pBitmap;
>       if(pBitmap==NULL){
>               if(error=FT_Render_Glyph(face->glyph,FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL))
>                       return 5;
>               FT_Bitmap* pbitmap=&(face->glyph->bitmap);
>               bitmap_rows=pbitmap->rows;
>               bitmap_cols=pbitmap->width;
>               pBitmap=new char[bitmap_rows*bitmap_cols];
>               for(int i=0;i<bitmap_rows;i++)
>                       for(int j=0;j<bitmap_cols;j++){
> pBitmap[i*bitmap_cols+j]=pbitmap->buffer[i*bitmap_cols+j];
>                               if(pBitmap[i*bitmap_cols+j]>0) printf("1");
>                               else printf("0");
>                       }
>                       printf("\n");
>       }
>                                            Sincerely Liang CHEN
>Freetype mailing list

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

                                                           Sincerely Liang CHEN

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