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Re: [ft] Faster computation of text width?

From: John Found
Subject: Re: [ft] Faster computation of text width?
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 12:12:26 +0200

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015 09:55:52 +0100 (CET)
Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> wrote:

> This is not possible since both structures are public, and for ABI
> reasons they can't be changed.[*]

If the ABI can only be introduced and never removed, every library early or 
will become an overbloated huge monster, that no one wants to use. 
In this moment will come some "lightType" library, that will replace the old 
dead one.

> Not really – David Turner, the father of the caching code, no longer
> works on FreeType, and my priorities are elsewhere.  However, if
> someone contributes such code, I will gladly integrate it.

In fact, the cache code is so useful, that not developing it is a huge mistake.
On the other hand, its functions are so different than the other FreeType
functions, that maybe it worth to make them a separate library...
It's so pity the original author leave this work unfinished...

> [*] Well, theoretically they could be changed since the FreeType's
>     cache interface is still tagged as beta, but I don't see a
>     convincing reason to do it.

What is more convincing than cleaning up the ABI of a beta version and making it
more consistent?
BTW, if the author discarded this task, how the "beta" will become "release"?

Best regards.

John Found <address@hidden>

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