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There is an error(ERROR 2) while compiling freetype-2.10.4

From: 406962353
Subject: There is an error(ERROR 2) while compiling freetype-2.10.4
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2021 15:01:05 +0800

First, thank you for developing FreeType and providing it freely.
I downloaded the FreeType packages(freetype-2.10.4.tar.gz) and when compiling 
it with GNU make, I got an error like this:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Python3.9.1\????\freetype-2.10.4>gnumake
gcc  -ansi -pedantic -I./objs -I./builds/windows -I./include  -c -g -O3  
-Wall -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY -o objs/ftsystem.o src/base/ftsystem.c
process_begin:  CreateProcess(NULL, gcc -ansi -pedantic -I./objs 
-I./builds/windows  -I./include -c -g -O3 -Wall -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY -o 
objs/ftsystem.o  src/base/ftsystem.c, ...) failed.
make (e=2): ????????????????????(The system cannot find the specified file)??
gnumake: *** [builds/ objs/ftsystem.o] Error 2

My system is Windows 10 x64, the version of GNU make is GNU Make 4.3, and the 
command to invoke GNU Make is 'gnumake'.
Befor the step above, I  had followed the instruction in the file 
"INSTALL.GNU",  invoked GNU Make  from the command line by typing 
'gnumake', and a summary been got like  this:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Python3.9.1\????\freetype-2.10.4>gnumake

FreeType build system -- automatic system detection

The following settings are used:

  configuration directory     .\builds\windows
  configuration rules         

If this does not correspond to your system or settings please remove the file
`' from this directory then read the INSTALL file for help.

Otherwise, simply type `gnumake' again to build the library,
or `gnumake refdoc' to build the API reference (this needs Python >= 3.5).

??????         1 ????????(1 file copied)
Generating modules list in ./objs/ftmodule.h...
??????(can't find) D:\Program Files 
"* module: truetype  (Windows/Mac font files with extension *.ttf or 
"* module: type1     (Postscript font files with extension 
*.pfa or *.pfb)"
"* module: cff       (OpenType fonts with 
extension *.otf)"
"* module: cid       (Postscript CID-keyed fonts, 
no known extension)"
"* module: pfr       (PFR/TrueDoc font files with 
extension *.pfr)"
"* module: type42    (Type 42 font files with no known 
"* module: winfnt    (Windows bitmap fonts with extension *.fnt 
or *.fon)"
"* module: pcf       (pcf bitmap fonts)"
"* module: bdf       (bdf bitmap fonts)"
"* module: sfnt      (helper module for TrueType & 
OpenType formats)"
"* module: autofit   (automatic hinting module)"
"* module: pshinter  (Postscript hinter module)"
"* module: raster    (monochrome bitmap renderer)"
"* module: smooth    (anti-aliased bitmap renderer)"
"* module: psaux     (Postscript Type 1 & Type 2 helper 
"* module: psnames   (Postscript & Unicode Glyph name handling)"


I don't know why there was the problem , can you tell me why and how to compile 
the FreeType correctly. Thank you very much!

JPEG image

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