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Re: [FSF] 2023 January FSS for [es] translation

From: isf
Subject: Re: [FSF] 2023 January FSS for [es] translation
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 17:37:54 -0300
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El 15/1/2023 a las 21:37, Alirio escribió:
Hi all,

Attached you can find the Final Spanish version of the FSF January

Apologies for sending it too late, but it has been a rough start of the
year (not much time available from my job).

As always, thanks to all who contributed.

Por favor avisa si no se utilizará el Pad de edición colaborativa.

Distribuidor de software libre, organizador de LibrePlanet Temuco y
miembro de la Free Software Foundation.

Visita mi sitio web: https://isf.neocities.org/

Por favor no me envíe documentos de Microsoft Office/Apple iWorks. ¡En
su lugar envíelos en OpenDocument! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/

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