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Re: Latest changes in G-Wrap

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Re: Latest changes in G-Wrap
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:02:35 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

>> >> * Why add the awful `module-use!' statement at the end of /g-wrap.scm?
>> >>   When were they needed?  1.9.6 did not have this, right?  So how can
>> >>   someone have come to rely on this?
>> >>
>> > I split out some generics into `(g-wrap c-codegen)' and `(g-wrap
>> > scm-codegen)' which previously resided in (g-wrap); perhaps this
>> > should be reverted so one can do away with the `module-use!' and not
>> > break guile-gnome.
>> Well...  On one hand, I understand that all this can be very painful for
>> `guile-gnome'.  OTOH, this logical separation makes sense and probably
>> helps understand G-Wrap as one discovers it.
> It probably makes sense, yes; but quite a bit of pain for me. It means
> you won't be able to build older guile-gnome with newer g-wrap. (When do
> I get a stable version?)
With your `use-module!' hack in (g-wrap guile) there are no changes
needed in guile-gnome. FWIW, I removed the `use-module!' statement
from (g-wrap).

>> there are (AFAIK) only a handful
>> of users of G-Wrap 1.9 at this point.  So maybe it'd be reasonable to
>> propagate such a change in 2.0.
> I'd be OK with this, if there's sufficient warning :)
> I'm attaching three bundles.
> The first one has some build fixes that you might already have, to allow
> older autoconf and out-of-tree libffi.
> The second one has a warning fix for some char* code generation; it's
> adequately commented.
Both of these are already in my repo.

> The third is more invasive. It removes the need for generics to be
> placed in the root module, for guile, while preserving compatibility.
> Any chance these could get in your repo? (You can get them all by
> merging my bzr branch at http://wingolog.org/bzr/g-wrap/wingo :-)
Applied in address@hidden/g-wrap--dev--0--patch-27; although
now the generics seem to be missing:

gkar:~/src/=readonly/guile-gnome% rlwrap ./dev-environ guile
guile> (use-modules (gnome gtk))
guile> get-selection
<unnamed port>: In expression get-selection:
<unnamed port>: Unbound variable: get-selection
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

Type "(backtrace)" to get more information or "(debug)" to enter the debugger.

What am I missing?

Cheers, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden      | address@hidden | address@hidden
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